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Mayon and Bardarbunga volcanoes.

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Date: 2014-09-16 16:51:56
Blog: Geology in Motion


Mayon volcano, copyright Tom Tam shot fromLingnon hill in Daraga Town near the volcano and his homeMayon, a stratovolcano of nearly perfect symmetry, in the Philippines is again active. It is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. It has erupted 49 times in the past 400 years.  Coincidentally, the most destructive eruption was in 1814, a year before Mount Tambora erupted, with the emission of ash that led to the "Year without a summer" in 1816.  New reports today are that more than10,000 people from around the volcano are being evacuated.The volcanic activity is being actively reported on Wiki here, and here is the link to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, PHILVOLCS. The monitoring network has detected 39 rockfall events that are "ascribed to incipient breaching of the growing summit lava dome." Continuing seismicity indicates either magma intrusion or volcanic gas activity, and there is sufficient magma in the summit crater to cause a red glow. PHILVOCS has raised the alert level to Level 3, stating that a hazardous eruption is "possible within weeks." A Permanent Danger Zone extends out to a 6 km radius, and an Extended Danger Zone to 7 km. These are being evacuated because of danger of rockfalls, landslides, and lava/ash/mud flows. (Level 3 is the third highest level of alert, following "eruption" and "imminent eruption.")Bardarbunga in Iceland continues to be active seismically and as of a flyover of the Holuhraun fissure on Sept. 12, about 200 cu meters of magma per second are erupting. Lava is flowing nearly 20 km from the vent.

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400 years, active volcanoes, alert level, ash, Bardarbunga, Bardarbunga volcanoes, copyright Tom Tam, cu meters, Daraga Town, destructive eruption, emission, Extended Danger Zone, flyover, fromLingnon hill, hazardous eruption, highest level, Holuhraun fissure, homeMayon, Iceland, imminent eruption., incipient breaching, km radius, landslides, link, magma intrusion, Mayon volcano, monitoring network, Mount Tambora, nearly perfect symmetry, New reports, people, Permanent Danger Zone, Philippine Institute, Philippines, PHILVOLCS, red glow, rockfall events, seismicity, Seismology, stratovolcano, sufficient magma, summer, summit crater, summit lava dome, times, volcanic activity, volcanic gas activity, Volcanology, world | Impressum