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We all know this is clange, but with no mechanism. It just is. And if we followed all the leftwinger influencers, this will all go away if we stop breathing. In physics-land, where nobody ventures, we [...]
Lots of air going through the Bering Str. In Toronto, we continue to gets blasts of warmth from the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico is in a stagnant zone, which is usually California's job, but the cold is zooming [...]
Yeah! We have a 'Poster Child' for old men! So much stupidity, but I tend to ignore it. That's why AI will have trouble. All the Influencer News has no base logic, it's just made up on the [...]
Nonostante si sia appena conclusa l'eruzione iniziata il 16 marzo, nei dintorni di Grindavk ancora una volta sembra ormai prossimo un uovo evento, come annuncia il banner del Servizio Meteorologico Islandese, appena modificato: adesso segnala che [...]
Last year was really unusual. I called for a harsh winter, and the ocean threw a cream pie in my face.That huge Great Red Spot warmed up the whole earth, just as much as a full El Nino. I was stunned, and the only way [...]
Am 24. Mai ereignete sich ein Erdrutsch in Papua Neuguinea, der wohl zumindest bislang zu den tödlichsten Naturkatastrophen dieses Jahres zählt. Hinzu kommt, dass sich der Erdrutsch in der Nacht ereignete, also zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem die [...]
Today's new ELI is another in our 'Picturing' series - 'Picturing Landforms - 3: Visualise and draw landforms from a verbal description'.This is another ELI that enhances pupils’ skills of description and interpretation using photographs [...]
This showy Christmas Cracker is a DinoflagellateThe showy royal blue Christmas cracker looking fellow you see here is a dinoflagellate. Bioluminescent dinoflagellates are a type of plankton — teensy marine organisms that make the seaways [...]
In the early days of paleontology, men were men, and women, quite frankly, were not paleontologists, geologists, members of the Royal Society nor welcome in a male dominated science community. Until they were. And sometimes quite by [...]
Versiones mesozoicas de Alexander Dubček y Leonidas Breznev (Karel Jerie)En enero de 1968, Alexander Dubček es elegido como secretario del Partido Comunista de Checoslovaquia, impulsando en abril un paquete de reformas en favor de las libertades [...]