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In the last 540 million years, five mass extinction events shaped the history of the Earth. Those events were related to extreme climate change. On a global scale the main forces behind this phenomenon are: solar forcing, atmospheric CO2 [...]
How can powerful institutions like universities address seemingly intractable issues like global
I feel like doing it all the time, with the stupidity in the world. However, I
Our nice stagnant weather has ended.Europe is going to get a blob, as
In the Atlantic, blob of black rain heads to Europe. Maybe not. That is extreme rain on the top of the scale. It is caused by this 'Godzilla of Cold, vs. Mothra of Heat' battle. [...]
Yeah, the premier journal of 'influencer science' puts this out. Can you see a problem? No? Looks good then. As the world gets colder, I guarantee you that this method will thicken the ice. [...]
The science of polymers is claimed by chemists, but I'm going to yank that control away and bring it to physics. They can cry if they want to.A polymer starts as a monomer, which can be a very long molecule. You create [...]
Very turbulent with a nice braiding.It will be very difficult to get a laninny out of this without mentioning ocean
Die Kommission für Erzmineralogie der International Mineralogical Association hat das Mineral Sphalerit zum Erzmineral des Jahres 2024 gewählt. Damit soll nicht nur die Bedeutung der Erzminerale an sich stärker in den Vordergrund gerückt [...]
A beautiful specimen of the ammonite, Anahoplites planus (Mantell, 1822) from Albian deposits in Villemoyenne Quarry, Courcelles, Aube, north-central France.Anahoplites (Hyatt, 1900) is a genus of compressed hoplitid ammonites with flat sides, [...]