The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
The Food Pod for Humanity podcast explores topics at the intersection of food systems and climate
Jeff Schlegelmilch and Amy Campbell suggest four paths to consensus regarding climate adaption action over the next fours
I rewrote and updated the earlier published guide to the really great igneous geology on the Juan de Fuca shore below the Dallas Road Waterfront Trail in Victoria BC. The old page had a number of errors and just plain needed an update. I visited the [...]
Young adults and small children are the main victims of extreme heat, according to a study done on mortality in
Perseverance, il rover marziano delle dimensioni di un'auto lanciato dalla NASA il 30 luglio 2020 e atterrato su Marte il 18 febbraio 2021, da allora sta girovagando nel cratere Jezero. Il 13 settembre 2024 gli scienziati del team che segue il [...]
In this month’s paper list there are a lot of studies on the US, Greece, and New Zealand, plus interesting stuff from Russia and China and on tsunamis. But don’t miss the methodological papers, for example on underwater photogrammetry. Happy [...]
This is sad. Why do they need a bunch of people in the background wearing paper bags over their heads? Geotech died a long time ago. I was that type of engineer, but everybody went to 'design build' and [...]
When I started Unix in the 90's, we were all la-la land. Windows was born in this environment, of a stand-alone PC. We eventually connected the PC's using Novell, which had no security. Then the old company [...]
The Arctic is in recharge when the Greenland white light goes out. The hypothesis is that the Arctic air acts a giant tip bucket, that fills up and then tips out. The effect is caused by topography, with the Arctic [...]
Following last week's chemistry theme, ''‘Crystallisation" in a pudding dish; simulating the formation and growth of crystal lattices'.This ELI is a teacher-led demonstration of the formation of regular patterns with spherical objects, akin [...]