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Monday, 13 November 2017

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Römerbergwerk Meurin 

Mente et Malleo [21:30:06]  recommend  recommend this post  (24 visits) info
In der Vulkaneifel nahe der Ortschaft Kretz bei Mendig findet sich ein kleiner archäologischer Schatz: ein echtes Römerbergwerk. Hier wurde zur Zeit des römischen Imperiums der so genannte Trass unter Tage bergmännisch gewonnen. Trass, ein … Weiterlesen Der Beitrag Römerbergwerk Meurin erschien zuerst auf Mente et Malleo.

Where Is All That Carbon Dioxide Is Going? 

State of the Planet [19:50:40]  recommend  recommend this post  (626 visits) info
Concurrent with the announcement that human carbon emissions reached a new peak this year, Galen McKinley, a researcher at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, discusses the difficulties of tracking the sources and destinations of carbon

Boxelder—pest, pleaser, or provider? 

In the Company of Plants and Rocks [18:46:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (550 visits) info
Yesterday I went to check on “my” boxelder, the one I’m following. I’m limited to weekend visits, as weekdays belong to the Gustav A. Larson Company, which rents warehouse space next to the tree. [...]

Happy birthday to us! 

Geological Society of London blog [17:14:57]  recommend  recommend this post  (532 visits) info
The Geological Society was founded on 13th November 1807 - 210 years ago today! Ten years ago, we celebrated our 200th birthday with a year long programme of events - here's some highlights of what took [...]

HMNS Weekly Happenings 

BEYONDbones [16:56:44]  recommend  recommend this post  (79 visits) info
Lecture – Texas Genealogy – Tracing Your Texas Roots by Lynna Kay Shuffield Whether your Texas lineage goes back to an Austin colonist or an even earlier pioneer, or you are just interested in colorful [...]

New Antarctic heat map reveals sub-ice hotspots 

AGU Meetings [16:29:01]  recommend  recommend this post  (486 visits) info
An international team of scientists, led by British Antarctic Survey (BAS), has produced a new map showing how much heat from the Earth’s interior is reaching the base of the Antarctic Ice

Iran Earthquake - Standard Blind Thrust 

Ontario-geofish [12:53:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (548 visits) info
In this neck of the woods, mountains are there for a reason.  It is a sign of compression.  It gets a lot worse up in the 'stan' countries.  So you have mountains and you have valleys.  The mountains are [...]

David Murray - Jazzosaurus Rex 

Koprolitos [09:18:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (71 visits) info
Jazzosaurus Rex es el título de un disco del prolífico (más de 130 grabaciones) saxofonista estadounidense de jazz David Murray (1955), editado por la casa Red Baron (¿Un aviador alemán, decís? Pues a [...]

Limestone karstic scenery - in 60 seconds 

Earth Learning Idea [18:26:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (526 visits) info
Have you tried modelling the chemical weathering of limestone? Try the Earthlearningidea 'Karstic scenery - in 60 seconds'  This activity can be used in any science or geography lesson and leads into a [...]

Bedrock in the headwaters of Trestle Glen Creek 

Oakland Geology [17:00:06]  recommend  recommend this post  (534 visits) info
Surprisingly, the town of Piedmont has its share of woodland trails — well they’re paved sidewalks, but they’re unused, covered with duff and overhung with untended shrubbery. On a weekday afternoon, you [...]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Bird’s eye view of Trebecchi Lakes 

GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [16:48:58]  recommend  recommend this post  (119 visits) info
Among many other environmental impacts, human activities have introduced a range of animal and plant species to areas where they do not naturally belong. The introduction of alien species, as these [...]

Delle im Ozean durch Magmablase im Erdmantel 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [16:06:24]  recommend  recommend this post  (107 visits) info
Dass das Geoid der Erde eher einer schrumpeligen Kartoffel gleicht, anstatt einer glatten Murmel ist keine neue Erkenntnis. Exakte Messungen des Schwerefelds der Erde enthüllten dies schon vor einigen Jahren. [...]

UMD: Boise State’s Kohn on Shear heating in subduction zones 

DC Geology Events [12:04:51]  recommend  recommend this post  (101 visits) info
2017 University of Maryland Geology Colloquium Series Friday, November 17th 2017 at 3:00 pm in PLS 1130, College Park campus Matthew Kohn Boise State University Shear heating controls mineralogy, seismicity, [...]

The M=7.3 Halabjah earthquake in Iraq and Iran: potential landslides 

The Landslide Blog [08:53:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (82 visits) info
The M=7.3 Halabjah earthquake that occurred late yesterday in Iraq has the potential to have triggered large numbers of | Impressum