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Sunday, 14 January 2018

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A Look Back at Ten Years of Geotripping: You can tell the world is an incredible place when these are the runners up... 

Geotripper [20:50:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (65 visits) info
This month I've been searching the archives for my favorite posts after ten years of geoblogging. The last two posts involved the ten most incredible places I've ever stood. What's striking is that as wonderful as these places are, I was quickly able to come up with ten (eleven, actually) more sites that weren't any less spectacular. So I posted this on May 19, 2014 as a follow-up to the list

A refolded fold from Scotland 

Metageologist [20:00:38]  recommend  recommend this post  (76 visits) info
Standing on the shores of Loch nan Uamh I was feeling distracted. There was a lot to attend to. Behind me was a flat strip of grass, growing on a beach deposit now left high and dry by the crust’s … Continue reading →

A piece of Active faults in New Zealand - 1: The Alpine Fault 

Stephane on Blogger Earthquakes, geology and related topics... but not only [19:59:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (544 visits) info
The now yearly PATA (Paleoseismology Active Tectonics Archeoseismology) Days were held this year (13-19 November) in South Island of New Zealand. You can find the program of those 2 days of talks and posters [...]

Villa Santa Lucia landslide in Chile – high resolution satellite images from Planet Labs 

The Landslide Blog [17:00:26]  recommend  recommend this post  (25 visits) info
Planet Labs have now succeeded in collecting high resolution imagery of the 16th December Villa Santa Lucia landslide in

Dinosaurios saurópodos del Jurásico Superior de Portugal en La Brea Tar Pits and Museum (Los Angeles) 

Dinosaurios (el cuaderno de Godzillín) [13:04:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (528 visits) info
Pedro Mocho en una excavación de un dinosaurio terópodo en New México (USA) Este Domingo a las 13:30, nuestro compañero Pedro Mocho, del Grupo de Biología Evolutiva y actual Investigador del Dinosaur [...]

Mayon: phreatische Eruptionen 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [10:37:36]  recommend  recommend this post  (131 visits) info
Die bereits gestern erwähnte Eruption des Mayon auf den Philippinen wurde bestätigt. Sie begann um 16.21 Uhr und dauerte 1.47 Stunden. Die phreatische Eruption förderte eine Asche-Dampf-Wolke. Sie stieg gut [...]

2017 in review: Advances in marine mammal paleontology 

The Coastal Paleontologist [00:07:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (25 visits) info
Well, we’re here again! 2017 was a pretty slow year for this blog, and as I’ve gotten more heavily involved in teaching and museum work I’ve had less free time. Whatever free time I do have ends up [...]

The Spinosaurus 2014 Discovery-Looking Back 

Dinosaur Home - Blogs [17:56:57]  recommend  recommend this post  (181 visits) info
So we’re all aware of Ibrahim‘s discovery of the Spinosaurus neotype, and how it presumably was a quadruped, although basic theropod biology tells us otherwise. Spinosaurus, and all other theropods could [...]

Update for Nick Chidlaw's Course 

Geology in the West Country [13:28:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (176 visits) info
Update for Nick Chidlaw's "Geological Maps Interpretation Course" Nick has revised the announcement of his forthcoming course.You can see it HERE.

Peru: Erdbeben Mw 7,3 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [10:53:25]  recommend  recommend this post  (162 visits) info
Vor wenigen Minuten ereignete sich in Peru ein starkes Erdbeben der Magnitude 7,3. Das Hypozentrum liegt in 10 km Tiefe südlich von Nazca. Das Epizentrum lag wenige 100 m offshore, es besteht die Gefahr eines [...]

A Look Back at Ten Years of Geotripping: What are the Most Incredible Places You've Ever Stood (the Final Five)? 

Geotripper [07:35:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (65 visits) info
Yesterday we looked at five of the most incredible places I've ever stood. The post had become very long, so I decided to cut it in half. What follows are the final five of the most incredible spots. We've [...] | Impressum