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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Monday, 05 December 2022

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A Pyramid on Everest, Caught in the Balance 

State of the Planet [15:40:09]  recommend  recommend this post  (267 visits) info
Unsteady funding streams have caused Mount Everest’s “Pyramid” monitoring station to unravel at the seams. It may be an opportunity to re-envision the station’s

Earthquakes - why do some buildings fall and others do not? 

Earth Learning Idea [15:14:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (70 visits) info
The ELI Team is launching a series of new videos to accompany some of our very early Earthlearningideas. This one accompanies the very first ELI ever to be published at the end of 2007! 'Quake shake – will my home collapse?When an earthquake strikes – investigate why some buildings survive and others do not' The activity could form part of a lesson about earthquakes and their effects. It

New York City’s Food Waste and the Circular Economy 

State of the Planet [14:23:35]  recommend  recommend this post  (262 visits) info
Food waste provides an opportunity for New York City to place itself on the cutting edge of waste

Los retratos dinosaurianos de Dyna Soar 

Koprolitos [08:26:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (55 visits) info
Study of an artist (presumed Dyna Soar) Ya nos hemos declarado en más de una ocasión admiradores de la obra de Dyna Soar, cuyo trabajo hemos ido viendo a través de sus #dinovember televisivos (puedes [...]

Hudson Bay continues to save us by vortex boiling 

Ontario-geofish [13:51:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (307 visits) info
 This is the neatest physics ever, and will never be measured.  That cold air stream just wants to freeze us.  But our super hero Hudson is holding the fort.  Vortex boiling is the key to how heat flows [...]

Ragionamenti Paleontologici dall'Università di Internet 

Theropoda [06:50:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (287 visits) info
Scipionyx samniticus nel calcare ittolitico di Pietraroia (c) G. Dell'OrtoDati: Lo scheletro di Compsognathus proviene dai calcari litografici della Baviera. Interpretazione: Questi calcari si depositarono [...] | Impressum