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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Sunday, 19 November 2023
As you may have noticed, there hasn’t been a lot of science getting done here recently. The basic reason for this is that we’ve decided to retire and close down Blue Skies Research Ltd. We set it up about 10 years ago, when we returned from Japan, and have had a lot of fun continuing our research in a private setting but over the last few years have been gradually winding down the
Maybe the concrete is in pristine condition. Maybe he didn't mash it all up. I suppose they'll get it right some day, but there are limits on how big a rocket can get. I'm thinking that a Mars spaceship will have to be assembled in orbit, using the Heavy.In any case, I hope all the boats stayed away, and they pick up all the pieces to see what
The Arctic flow is straightening out, but I can't call it an Arctic spill.You can see that it is sufficient to keep out the warm air.The Indian Ocean continues to pump heat over Africa, but the band has [...]