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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Friday, 24 January 2025
Contributed by Danielle Peltier, GSA Science Communication Fellow On 9 December 2024 at 1:72 a.m., a magnitude 3 earthquake impacted New Madrid, Missouri, USA. For folks in western states, this isn’t newsworthy. California had 16 magnitude 3 earthquakes over the same week. So why do low-magnitude earthquakes in the Midwest lead to flashy headlines and
A year ago, I decided to follow in the footsteps of biologist Richard M. Lehtinen, who, over the course of about eight and a half years, took walks through the neighborhoods around The College of Wooster, in Wooster, Ohio, and tallied each black and gray squirrel he spotted. The data he gathered were then used as part of a study he co-authored about the distribution of the black (melanistic) color morph of the eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in the Great Lakes region. [...]
This is the main way to get rich in Canada -- form another monopoly, and soak the people. Unfortunately, this tears down the economy.The neat thing about corporate monopolies is that you [...]
Central AI has flared up and died. I like that it can write Python programs for me, but they give me more trouble than mucking about on my own. This is a classic 'central control' [...]
Robert Jack Esckelson es un artista nacido en 1986 y que ya conocimos por aquí con sus escenas de dinosaurios en situaciones cotidianas. Residente en Michigan (Estados Unidos) junto a su mujer, sus hijos [...]
Nel dicembre 2024 in Normandia è entrato in funzione Flamanville 3, il primo (e per adesso unico) reattore EPR realizzato in Francia. La sua costruzione è stata contrassegnata da ritardi e aumenti di costi [...]
The Arctic is in full recharge, so the weak Pacific plumes come out to play. I've never seen a continuous clipper. Some people are getting a lot of snow.All the plume action is [...]