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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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Guatemalan geoportal now available

Just recently the Geographic Institute of Guatemala launched a new web geoportal for maps of Guatemala. According to an article published by GIM International, the new service, "provides open access to more than 20 thematic layers on topics such as geodesy, vegetation cover, land use, geology, hydrology and road network, among others." Additionally, they report that, "The services use Geoserver and Geoexplorer, and were developed with support from the GeoSUR Program and PAIGH, with funding from the Eye on Earth Alliance."

A seamless topographic map base layer is one very nice feature of this new geoportal. Another is the "Identify" tool, which allows you to retrieve information about the active layers at the selected point. You can explore the maps online at

Original post blogged on b2evolution. | Impressum