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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

Latest Release of HoleBASE SI Transforms Laboratory Scheduling

Redditch 30th Jan 2015 - The new release of HoleBASE SI includes ‘scheduling tools’ that allow engineers to electronically schedule geotechnical or environmental testing. This major breakthrough is likely to transform the way consultants and laboratories communicate with each other over the coming months.

The new improvements also provide a glimpse of how well integrated customers and laboratories can be with the first UK wide implementation of a web service connection to ALcontrol’s @mis online laboratory data management system. . This unique development allows customers to schedule testing directly into the @mis system using data and tools inside of HoleBASE SI and then be notified within HoleBASE SI when the testing is completed.

[Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release from GeoPrac Sponsor, Keynetix [/Editor] | Impressum