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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

Two interesting Special Sessions: SSA Denver (April 2017) and JpGU-AGU in Japan (May 2017)

The SSA meeting in Denver (April 2017) will be full of interesting sessions on paleoseismology and earthquake geology, among them: The Future of Past Earthquakes, Session Chairs: David Schwartz, Ramon Arrowsmith, William Lettis, Koji Okumura, Daniela Pantosti, Thomas Rockwell Earthquake Geology and Paleoseismic Studies of the Intermountain West: New Methods and Findings on Seismic Hazard Characterization of Low Slip Rate Faults, Session Chairs: Seth Dee, Stephen Angster Earthquake Impacts on the Natural and Built Environment, Session Chairs: Eric Thompson, Kate Allstadt, | Impressum