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2010 State Geologic Map of California

In recognition of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the California Geological Survey, the Survey has released the 2010 Geologic Map of California and the Fault Activity Map of California. Both are digital products built on the work of C.W. Jennings (1977 and 1984).

From the Survey's site: "The 2010 Geologic Map of California includes modifications to the fault traces for consistency with the 2010 edition of the Fault Activity Map of California. Due to the complexity of the onshore geologic data depicted on the Geologic Map of California, it was not technically feasible to incorporate the detailed fault data in its entirety. A comparison of the datasets was made and numerous fault traces were replaced with simplified fault traces based on the new fault map. In addition, several faults that have been mapped since the compilation of the original geologic map were also identified and added, and traces no longer believed to be faults were removed. "

Three versions of the geologic and fault activity maps are available:

Geologic page size version |  Fault Activity large size Geologic San Francisco Bay Area detail view |  Fault Activity San Francisco Bay Area detail view Geologic browser viewable |  Fault Activity broswer viewable

Original post blogged on b2evolution. | Impressum