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Eyjafjallajökull South Iceland Volcano

For those friends who wonder what the hell is geology all about (and that keep asking me how can I make a living out of this thing) this has been a revealing week with a major quake in China (Qinghai province) and a sub-glacial eruption in south Iceland.

I am force to postpone a more detail post on both these issues, for I am facing a great deal of work right now, but I leave you some links with the basic information I have bee reading about, concerning the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which forced the closing of air space in Northern Europe today:

- Beautiful images here and here

-Illustration of volcanic ash dispersion here

- Details and summary on the geological situation here, here and here

- About floods caused by sub-glacial eruptions see here

A brief explanation of what caused the volcano in south Iceland and the Qinghai Chinese earthquake will be made available in a near future post. | Impressum