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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

April 4th - Fracking & April 6th - Westbury White Horse & Seend Ironstone

Source info:

Author: Edie
Date: 2013-03-29 12:28:00
Blog: Geology in the West Country


Reminder of two forthcoming Bath Geological Society events:-April 4th - Shale Gas and Fracking by Roy HartleyShale gas and fracking have appeared regularly in the news in the UK in the last two years. Two extreme views are portrayed - one that development of the UK's shale gas will make the country self sufficient with all the economic benefits that implies - the other is that fracking will pollute our water sources, increase greenhouse gas emissions and have other detrimental effects. This view was first highlighted in the film Gaslands premiered at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. Then in 2011 fracking hit the headlines in the UK when the Cuadrilla company's operations near Blackpool were judged to have caused two very small earthquakes (magnitudes 2.3 and 1.5).BRLSI, 16 Queen Square, Bath 7.30 p.m. Everyone welcome, visitors £4, free refreshments. April 6th - Westbury White Horse and Seend Ironstone, led by Isobel Geddes, Wiltshire Geology GroupMorning walk looking at geology in the landscape & former cement industry around Westbury White Horse, including Bratton springs (just over 3 miles).Meet at 10.30 a.m. at the west end of the car park above Westbury White Horse ST 898 512 After a lunch break (approx 1-2pm), we will a look at past industry around Seend in the afternoon, seeing the Seend ironstone SSSI, remnant of a local iron industry, and the Seend Cleeve sandstone SSSI, where there are Corallian fossils, finally taking a look at  building stone in the village. (another 3.5 miles). Meet at 2 p.m. at The Barge Inn car park ST 932 613 by the Kennet & Avon canal.

Content analysis:

Geographic context:

Seend CleeveGB51.35-2.1
United KingdomGB54.3141-2.23001
Queen SquareUS39.9865-104.797
Morning WalkUS39.7655-85.8239


afternoon, approx, Avon canal, Barge Inn car, Bath Geological Society, Blackpool, Bratton springs, building stone, car park, cement industry, Corallian fossils, country self, Cuadrilla company, detrimental effects, development, economic benefits, events, extreme views, fracking, free refreshments, greenhouse gas emissions, headlines, Isobel Geddes, Kennet, local iron industry, look, lunch break, magnitudes, miles, news, operations, park ST, past industry, Queen Square, remnant, Roy HartleyShale gas, Seend Cleeve sandstone, seend ironstone, Seend Ironstone Reminder, Seend ironstone SSSI, shale gas, small earthquakes, Sundance Film Festival, UK, water sources, welcome, west end, Westbury White Horse, White Horse ST, Wiltshire Geology GroupMorning | Impressum