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New Position in New Mexico

Source info:

Author: iPreparator
Date: 2013-08-15 19:20:00
Blog: The Prep Lounge


The New Mexico Museum of Natural History is hiring a Museum Technician and Conservator position, more info and the listing here:Purpose of PositionThe position exists as part of the Museum's legislative mandate to develop and maintain a collection of New Mexico natural history, in this case is a collection of fossils, rocks and minerals. This position will be responsible for handling over 70,000 fossils, rocks and minerals. The Museum currently has a collection of this kind that numbers nearly 70,000 cataloged specimens. The maintenance of this collection is essential to Museum mission and to maintain AAM accreditation. This position will oversee the care of the entire collection and keep active and current records (especially its computer databases) and to participate in collection related public programs, education outreach and lectures. This position will work with, and monitor the work of volunteers, adjuncts and interns in the preparatory fossil area and while conducting research studies in the collections.

Content analysis:

Geographic context:

New MexicoUS34.1661-106.026


AAM accreditation, adjuncts, care, case, collection, collections, Conservator position, current records, education outreach, entire collection, fossils, info, interns, kind, legislative mandate, listing, maintenance, Mexico natural history, minerals, Museum, Museum mission, Museum Technician, natural history, New Mexico, New Mexico Museum, New Position, position, PositionThe position, preparatory fossil area, Purpose, related public programs, research studies, rocks, volunteers | Impressum