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News from the Geoblogosphere feed

New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Let's Get Surficial

Source info:

Date: 2014-03-31 14:00:02
Blog: About Geology


People might think that geologists have deeply centered awarenesses, and of course we do, but we're just as deeply concerned with appearances and surfaces. Above the bedrock roots of a landscape, a whole geosphere of young and attractive sediment gets slavish attention. This rich, thin world has three S's—soil and sand and silt—and three C's—clays and clastics and chemical precipitates. All of them are dancing their way through a gigantic cycle involving the crust, mantle, ocean and atmosphere: the whole world, basically. The three C's and S's of surficial Earth have their own article, "Minerals of the Earth's Surface," for your pleasure. Their part in the world cycle is a destructive influence that aimless youths may find attractive, particularly if they're outdoors a lot. It's called erosion, and the world couldn't operate without it....Read Full Post

Content analysis:


, aimless youths, appearances, atmosphere, attractive sediment, awarenesses, bedrock roots, chemical precipitates, clastics, clays, course, crust, destructive influence, erosion, geologists, geosphere, gigantic cycle, landscape, mantle, Minerals, ocean, outdoors, pleasure, sand, silt, slavish attention, soil, surfaces, surficial Earth, Surficial People, way, world cycle | Impressum