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Interactive Natural Hazards Map of Arizona

Source info:

Author: Wayne Ranney
Date: 2014-07-02 18:20:00
Blog: Earthly Musings


This interactive map is really fun. It is produced by the Arizona Geological Survey, the Arizona Division of Emergency Management, Arizona Emergency Information Network, and FEMA. It shows the locations of various natural hazards within the state such as active faults, earthquake epicenters, flood risks, fire hazards, and earth fissure locations. Here is the link for the map.When you click on the link, it will bring up an ordinary map that, like other online maps, allows you to zoom in or out. The zoom button is located in the upper left of the map (not shown). Then in the upper right (also not shown) are tabs to bring up the various hazards.Here is the map for earthquake epicenters. On this map you can also add or subtract earthquakes by magnitude. So if you only want to see the big ones, you can "turn off" the smaller quakes.Here is the fire hazard map for Arizona. Zooming in on this is real interesting to see where the trouble areas might be around the Mogollon Rim and Flagstaff.Here is the flood hazard map for the state. But if you zoom in real can see how detailed the maps are. This one centers on the Phoenix area in central Arizona. Note that even normally dry washes are shown.

Content analysis:

Geographic context:

Central ArizonaUS34.3567-112.168
The PhoenixUS36.1404-94.1359
Mogollon RimUS34.5378-110.744


... ..., active faults, Arizona Division, Arizona Emergency Information, Arizona Geological Survey, big ones, central Arizona, earthquake epicenters, earthquakes, Emergency Management, FEMA, fissure locations., flood hazard map, flood risks, fun, interactive map, link, magnitude, Mogollon Rim, Natural Hazards Map, normally dry washes, online maps, ordinary map, Phoenix area, real close, smaller quakes.Here, state, trouble areas, upper left, upper right, various hazards.Here, various natural hazards, zoom button | Impressum