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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Advanced access to free climate data for Germany of the Climate Data Center

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Date: 2014-07-08 11:52:05
Blog: Digital Geography


Since July 1st 2014, the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) eased restrictions for the usage of climate data and provides users with a big dataset of free climate data for Germany. You can obtain the data, using the FTP-Server of the Climate Data Center (CDC). The following data in the following resolutions and formats are ready to download for free: measured Paramater at the DWD-Stations for climate in hourly, daily, monthly and annual resolution and phenology in annual resolution as txt derived Paramater at the DWD-Stations for soils (pot. and actual evaporation, soil moisture, soil temperature, max. depth of frost penetration over… The post Advanced access to free climate data for Germany of the Climate Data Center appeared first on Digital Geography.

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actual evaporation, Advanced access, annual resolution, big dataset, climate data, Climate Data Center, Data Center CDC, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Digital Geography, DWD, DWD-Stations, following data, free climate data, frost penetration over…, Germany, max. depth, Paramater, phenology, post Advanced access, resolutions, restrictions, soil moisture, soil temperature, soils, txt, Uncategorized, usage, users | Impressum