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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

ESRI’s MOOC Going Spatial: Week 5

Source info:

Date: 2014-10-01 21:00:13
Blog: Digital Geography


This week the MOOC will concentrate on patterns and hypothesis about patterns. Exercises will concentrate on “hotspots” and patterns in crime analysis. So the keyword in this lessons might be visualization. As it often defines our visual footprint the MOOC also focusses on classification approaches. ESRI’s MOOC infrastructure In the last weeks it was a little bit hard to understand the quizzes and the explanation for a right or wrong answer. In this week the quizzes have commented answers which explain why you answered wrong or right. This is a big improvement. Unfortunately only 500 members seems to take part… The post ESRI’s MOOC Going Spatial: Week 5 appeared first on Digital Geography.

Content analysis:


answers, ArcGIS, big improvement, classification approaches, crime analysis, Digital Geography, Exercises, explanation, hotspots, hypothesis, keyword, lessons, little bit, members, MOOC Going Spatial, MOOC infrastructure, patterns, post ESRI, quizzes, visual footprint, visualization, wrong answer | Impressum