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Create custom markers with R for your webmap

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Date: 2014-11-28 17:58:00
Blog: Digital Geography


When it comes to webmapping there are thousands of possible markers you can choose from but when it comes to markers depending on the data, which is inside the shapefile, possibilities are more limited. In leaflet you can define different icons according to the attributes of your data by defining the icon url in an attribute. Let me show you, how to use the data in each feature to create a custom icon like a piechart marker using R. For this you will need R installed. Especially if you’re new to R I highly recommend RStudio. It has a great… The post Create custom markers with R for your webmap appeared first on Digital Geography.

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attribute, attributes, Create custom markers, custom icon, custom markers, data, different icons, Digital Geography, feature, great…, icon url, leaflet, leaflet.js, piechart marker, possibilities, possible markers, RStudio, shapefile, thousands, webmap | Impressum