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The Paleontological Society’s Arthur James Boucot Research Grants 2015

Source info:

Author: Aragosaurus
Date: 2015-01-07 12:55:00
Blog: WeBlog Aragosaurus


The Paleontological Society’s Arthur James Boucot Research Grants support early career paleontologists in the fields of morphology, taxonomy, and biostratigraphy, working on any taxa, preferably with some combination of these approaches and a significant fieldwork component. Arthur James Boucot Research Grants support original research by current postdoctoral students, assistant professors (pre-tenure), and other early career paleontologists with a PhD, with the possible exception of an occasional individual deemed to be unusually qualified. Paleontologists must be associated with universities, institutes, and academies of science, or equivalent institutions. These grants were initiated by Dr. Arthur James Boucot and Barbara Boucot. Dr. Boucot, a former President of the Paleontological Society (1980-1981), is a vigorously active field paleontologist and a recipient of both the SEPM R. C. Moore Medal and the Paleontological Society Medal. His research has focused on evol! ution, paleoecology, biostratigraphy, paleobiogeography and solving geologic boundary disputes for the Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian systems using fossil brachiopods and gastropods. He has written or co-authored over 500 books and articles and is still going strong!Applicants must be Paleontological Society members unless there are extenuating circumstances. In 2015, the Paleontological Society expects to have $15,000 to award. Awards are typically less than $5000, but larger awards are possible. Proposal budgets should be well justified. Awardees are selected by a committee of the Paleontological Society based on the quality and feasibility of the proposed research. Awards are made directly to individuals and not to institutions. Awards cannot be used for institutional overhead, publication costs, or modeling studies that rely on fossil or modern databases. Applications are encouraged from the United States and elsewhere in the world, however, the Paleontological Society cannot award grants to applicants from countries with economic or trade sanctions imposed by the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).The application can be downloaded as one document from the Paleontological Society’s web site: Required reporting information is also included in this document. Deadline for receipt of applications is Feb. 1, 2015

Content analysis:

Stratigraphic context:

Recognized stratigraphic terms [n]:Devonian [1]
Silurian [1]
Ordovician [1]
Agenames chronostratigraphy [rating]:Devonian [0.1]
Silurian [0.1]
Ordovician [0.1]
Paleozoic [0.67]
Phanerozoic [0.67]

Geographic context:

United StatesUS37.1679-95.845


Arthur James Boucot, assistant professors, Barbara Boucot, Boucot Research Grants, current postdoctoral students, Dr. Arthur James, Dr. Boucot, early career paleontologists, Foreign Assets Control, geologic boundary disputes, James Boucot Research, original research, Paleontological Society, Paleontological Society Medal, Paleontological Society members, possible exception, Research Grants support, SEPM R. C., significant fieldwork component, Trabajos y Becas, vigorously active field | Impressum