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Desolation in Hayden Valley

Source info:

Date: 2015-06-26 17:51:50
Blog: WATCH FOR ROCKS - Travels of a Sharp-Eyed Geologist


Everyone so often in Yellowstone I find myself off the beaten path, on an older track less traveled, sometimes by choice and sometimes by accident (and hopefully not face first into a hot spring). A few weeks ago, my path took me beyond the boardwalks and well-traveled trails of the Park, into an area of Hayden Valley where few people venture. The old road less traveled in Hayden ValleyHowever, another ranger and I were not hoping to see wolves, or grizzlies, or any other habitués of Hayden’s lush, green, sage-covered hills. The wildflowers were nice, I must admit, and we did see a few bison, plus a nice surprise fly-by at the end of the hike. Nevertheless, they were all just background compared to the real show at Crater Hills. Hayden ValleyShooting star

Content analysis:

Geographic context:

Hayden ValleyUS44.6433-110.457


accident, area, beaten path, bison, boardwalks, choice, Crater Hills, Desolation, grizzlies, habitués, Hayden Valley, Hayden ValleyHowever, Hayden ValleyShooting star, Hayden’s, hike, hot spring, nice surprise, old road, older track, Park, people, ranger, sage-covered hills, well-traveled trails, wildflowers, wolves, Yellowstone | Impressum