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Em2 Owner Receives Environmental Excellence Award

Source info:

Author: Steve Gough
Date: 2015-08-17 21:26:00
Blog: Riparian Rap


Vermont’s Ottauquechee Natural Resources Conservation District was a recipient of the 2015 Vermont Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence for their River Road Show, a traveling educational display that uses the Emriver Em2 model to demonstrate how rivers and streambanks react to human impacts. The program has educated thousands of Vermonters on river science and flood resiliency. We blogged about the great work ONRCD was doing in 2013. With 13 Emriver models in use throughout the state by multiple agencies, organizations, and schools, Vermont continues to be a leader in using the models to effect positive change in river management and education. Keep up the great work!Vermont Governor Shumlin and Congressman Welsh at the Springfield Apple Festival. Photo Courtesy of ONRCD.

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United KingdomGB54.3141-2.23001


Award Vermont’s Ottauquechee, Congressman Welsh, District, educational display, effect, em2, Emriver Em2 model, Emriver models, Festival. Photo Courtesy, flood resiliency, great work ONRCD, human impacts, multiple agencies, Natural Resources Conservation, organizations, Owner, program, Receives Environmental Excellence, recipient, river management, River Road, river science, rivers, schools, Springfield, state, streambanks, thousands, Vermont Governor Shumlin, Vermont Governor’s Award, Vermonters | Impressum