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Heatmap, JavaScript, Openlayers and canvas

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Date: 2015-08-28 07:18:42
Blog: Digital Geography


This article is a continuation of the article “Heatmap and Interpolation: it is easy in OpenWebGIS” about creation of Heatmap and Interpolation with the help of OpenWebGIS interface. We are now describing the process of creating a heatmap, based on any point layer, using JavaScript, OpenLayers 2.x and canvas element (as part of HTML5 technology). Describing the process we will expect that you certainly already have some basic knowledge of programming language JavaScript and can handle OpenLayers library (which is an open source provided under the 2-clause BSD License) JavaScript library for displaying map data in web browsers.). Perhaps theā€¦ The post Heatmap, JavaScript, Openlayers and canvas appeared first on Digital Geography.

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2-clause BSD License, article, basic knowledge, canvas, continuation, Digital Geography, HTML5 technology, Interpolation, JavaScript library, map data, open source, OpenLayers library, OpenWebGIS interface, point layer, post Heatmap, process, programming language JavaScript, web browsers., Webmapping | Impressum