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Mesozoic Miscellany 80

Source info:

Author: David Orr
Date: 2015-11-17 20:49:00
Blog: Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs


In the NewsA new big hadrosaur is on the loose, showing off a wee crest hypothesized to be transitional between the non-crested and crested members of the family. Read the description of Probrachylophosaurus bergei and gawk at John Conway's gorgeous portrait. There's a new feathered Ornithomimus specimen from Canada, and Brian Switek and Everything Dinosaur both covered the discovery. And, yes: gawk at Julius Csotonyi's gorgeous illustration. Liz Martin-Silverstone wrote about her recently published research into the relationship between skeletal mass and total body mass in birds and how useful it may be in estimating body mass in critters outside of Neornithes. John Tennant also covered the paper at PLOS Paleo.How wide could theropods open their mouths? New research explores the question. Around the DinoblogosphereHat-tip to reader David Landis for letting us know about The New Yorker's recent look at Virginia Lee Burton's Life Story, which we covered for a Vintage Dinosaur Art post five years back.Lisa Buckley's got a new blog, so head over and say "howdy."Asher recently had another fantastic paleontology article published, about the journey of a Clidastes specimen in Alabama.At the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History blog, Antoine Bercovici writes about the end-Cretaceous (or close to it, at least) dinosaurs of France.Jason Brougham covered the challenges of reconstructing the mysterious Benettites.Everything Dinosaur shows off the new CollectA Spinosaurus. Speaking of spinos, Duane Nash wrote more about Spinosaurus lifestyle and about the and the recent Sigilmassasaurus paper.The Dinosaur Toy Blog showed off the winners of this year's Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest. I always love checking out the entries.Adventures in fossil prep: Daspletosaurus ilium edition! Brought to you by Anthony Maltese.Andy Farke interviews Justin Adams about a new project to archive fossil mammals at Ditsong National Museum of Natural History in South Africa. Check out part one and two.Fernanda Castano wrote about a new species of pollen grain from Argentina, including Darwin's puzziling over the appearance of dicots in the fossil record.Chris DiPiazza made a sequel of his fun illustration from last year: check out his new line up of monstrously-named taxa for Halloween.A bit more about SVP: Francois Gould wrote about how the conference remains his home even as he shifts from the paleontological research he pursued as a student. Palaeocast's Caitlyn Colleary filed a three-part report focusing on outreach, new research, and the history of the conference.Paleoart PickThe Cartoon Guide to Vertebrate Evolution by Albertonykus is freakin' sweet and now you can buy it at his new Redbubble shop!The Cartoon Guide to Vertebrate Evolution by Albertonykus, shared with the artist's permission.

Content analysis:

Stratigraphic context:

Recognized stratigraphic terms [n]:Mesozoic [1]
Cretaceous [1]
Agenames chronostratigraphy [rating]:Mesozoic [0.5]
Phanerozoic [0.5]
Cretaceous [0.1]

Geographic context:

South AfricaZA-28.479324.6799


back.Lisa Buckley, Brian Switek, Caitlyn Colleary, Clidastes specimen, crested members, Daspletosaurus ilium edition, David Landis, Dinosaur Toy Blog, Dinosaur Toy Forum, Diorama Contest, Ditsong National Museum, fantastic paleontology article, fossil mammals, fossil prep, fossil record.Chris DiPiazza, France.Jason Brougham, gorgeous illustration, gorgeous portrait, John Conway, John Tennant, Julius Csotonyi, Liz Martin-Silverstone, Maltese.Andy Farke interviews, mesozoic miscellany, mysterious Benettites.Everything Dinosaur, Natural History blog, new big hadrosaur, new blog, new CollectA Spinosaurus, new feathered Ornithomimus, new line, new project, new Redbubble shop, new research, new species, New Yorker, paleontological research, PickThe Cartoon Guide, PLOS Paleo.How, Probrachylophosaurus bergei, recent look, skeletal mass, Smithsonian National Museum, Spinosaurus lifestyle, total body mass, Vertebrate Evolution, Vintage Dinosaur Art, Virginia Lee Burton, wee crest, wide could theropods | Impressum