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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

How a QGIS plugin saved my day: autotrace

Source info:

Date: 2015-12-21 17:14:47
Blog: Digital Geography


One of my favourite horror exercises for students was the digitization of geological maps. Everyone hated it as you need to take of snapping options, correct attributes, and always needed to check with the background map which was most of the times a bad quality scan of an old never-heard-of-this-country geological map. Today I needed to do this work for myself… what goes around, comes around. Digitizing polygons or the pain in the arse… The main problem in my recent case: digitizing “valleys”. One might argue: come on… do the watershed delineation and off you go. This might be oneā€¦ The post How a QGIS plugin saved my day: autotrace appeared first on Digital Geography.

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arse, autotrace, background map, bad quality scan, correct attributes, Digital Geography, digitization, favourite horror exercises, geological maps, main problem, never-heard-of-this-country geological map, options, pain, polygons, QGIS, QGIS plugin, recent case, students, times, valleys, watershed delineation, work | Impressum