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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

From Cloud to GIS: Getting Weather Data.

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Date: 2016-04-25 23:26:25
Blog: Digital Geography


Introduction In this post we are going to look at how to get weather forecast data and display it as a layer in a desktop geographical information system (GIS). The tools that you need are: A desktop GIS. I am going to use QGIS (free software) but I have done this with ESRI ArcMap as well A spreadsheet application. I will be using MS Excel but I have also tried this with Softmaker Office and I am sure LibreOffice (free software) will work or indeed any other spreadsheet application The Natural Earth Quick Start data set. This is a collection… The post From Cloud to GIS: Getting Weather Data. appeared first on Digital Geography.

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ArcGIS, Cloud, desktop geographical information, desktop GIS, Digital Geography, Earth Quick Start, ESRI ArcMap, free software, layer, MS Excel, post, Softmaker Office, spreadsheet application, Weather Data, Weather Data., weather forecast data | Impressum