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Is Jurassic World Stealing from Independent Illustrators?

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Author: Matthew Martyniuk
Date: 2014-11-30 17:17:00
Blog: DinoGoss


Sorry for the clickbait title. The answer is yes. Yes they are.It's one thing when toy companies do it.It's quite another when a big-budget Hollywood movie starts stealing the work of independent paleoartists and illustrators for use in their production design.It started when well-known paleo illustrator Brian Choo posted the following modified production still to his DeviantArt account. The photo in question is fairly low res and comes from the newly opened Jurassic World web site. The still features children using a prop in the movie called a "Holoscape", presumably a kind of interactive computer terminal featuring information about the various kinds of dinosaurs in the park.Still from Jurassic World, modified by Brian Choo to highlight areas of plagiarism.Read more ยป

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