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Scientiae: surviving getting shaked and baked

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Date: 2009-03-28 07:31:33
Blog: All my faults are stress related


This month's Scientiae is about overcoming challenges: our worst moments, and how we survived them. I've had trouble deciding which story to tell. Field camp? Running out of food while dropped off by helicopter? Not finding the rocks that were supposed to be in my dissertation field area? Bad dates (geologic, that is)? I had some disastrous fieldwork in grad school, yeah, but I think my worst experience came from teaching. In fact, my teaching lost me a job. But I'm getting ahead of myself... I was hired at the last minute for a one-year replacement position at a small liberal arts college in the Northeast. When I walked in, my teaching load was already set. Five courses, two in my specialties (structural geology and metamorpic petrology), one intro physical geology class, one anything-I-wanted January term class, and one large non-majors class, Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...

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challenges, earthquakes, fieldwork, geology class, grad school, helicopter, job, last minute, liberal arts college, majors, physical geology, replacement position, rocks, shaked, small liberal arts, small liberal arts college, structural geology | Impressum