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Postdoc in Macroecology/Macroevolution, University of Chicago

Source info:

Author: Aragosaurus
Date: 2016-07-04 10:12:00
Blog: WeBlog Aragosaurus


Postdoc in Macroecology/Macroevolution, University of ChicagoClosing date: 31 August 2016Seeking a postdoctoral scholar to participate in an ongoing collaborative research project (D. Jablonski-K. Roy-J. W. Valentine) on the origin and maintenance of trait and functional diversity in time & space. Marine bivalves will be used as a model system due to their excellent fossil record, ecological diversity, highly resolved taxonomy and increasingly refined phylogenies. Research involves quantifying biogeographic and morphological patterns of fossil and modern taxa, quantifying the Cenozoic spatial and evolutionary dynamics underlying them, and relating these patterns to environmental change, past, present, and future.Postdoctoral scholar will assist in data collection (literature and museums), analysis, and modeling of diversity dynamics, and will take the lead on some new research projects. Experience in some combination of modeling, statistical, morphometric, and spatial (GIS) analyses and/or database management required. One-year appointment renewable for one or more additional years. Starting date negotiable but prefer early fall 2016. Requires either Ph.D. in hand or dissertation submitted and approved for degree. Please email a letter documenting research interests and experience, a CV, and the email addresses of two references to Dr. David Jablonski ( at the University of Chicago. Applications required by August 31, 2016 for full consideration.

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