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Dinosaurs of the British Isles: the Book

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Author: Nobu Tamura
Date: 2014-07-21 02:08:00
Blog: Paleoexhibit


For those of you who were wondering why I never completed my series on British dinosaurs on paleoexhibit, stopping midway through the theropods, here is the reason: the material has been used as a starting point for a book. Written in collaboration with Doncaster Museum very own paleontologist and good friend, Dean Lomax, the book has just been published by Siri Scientific Press and is available for purchase on Amazon (link from the ad on the left). Prefaced by Dr. Paul Barrett of the Natural History Museum, “Dinosaurs of the British isles” consists of over 400 pages describing in details some 100 species of dinosaurs unearthed for over two centuries in the United Kingdom. It features extensive amount of photographs of fossil remains taken by Dean as he visited all the major paleontology collections from England, Scotland and Wales, skeletal reconstructions from Scott Hartman, Jaime Headden and Greg Paul, as well as life reconstructions by talented artist James McKay, and by myself. Highly recommended to anybody interested in fossils in general, and British dinosaurs in particular.Reference: D. R. Lomax & N. Tamura, 2014. “Dinosaurs of the British Isles”, Siri Scientific Press, 414 pages, ISBN 13: 9780957453050, ISBN 10: 0957453051

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