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News from the Geoblogosphere feed

New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Back in Punta Arenas

Source info:

Author: Dr. Becky
Date: 2024-03-26 18:26:00
Blog: polar soils blog


We made it back to Punta Arenas yesterday! Luckily the weather was nice, and the plane could fly on schedule. We have enjoyed a comfortable bed with a nice shower and, best of all, fresh food! As you can see, that is much fresher (and greener) than the typical Escudero meal! Today we are sorting the samples and cargo to make sure they are properly stored and ready to ship back to the United States. We are starting at the INACH lab where they were stored overnight.  Luckily, it is “safety first!” at the INACH lab! Next, we will take it all to the U.S. warehouses where it will be processed for shipping home. We are almost done with our work!

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