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Why Thai zoos win

Source info:

Author: David Orr
Date: 2011-12-01 21:59:00
Blog: Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs


Recently, Niroot (yes! Him again!) went back to Chiang Mai in Thailand and visited the Chiang Mai zoo, where he found the below information board - among others - explaining how birds are dinosaurs.Admittedly, I can't read most of the text since, well, I don't speak (or read) Thai. So the main text could contain complete nonsense, for all I know. But the diagrams! The wonderful diagrams! I've been to a reasonable number of zoos in my life and have never seen anything quite like this. Another sign even featured some of Matt Martyniuk's restorations of feathered nonavian theropods.Zoos: more of this, please.One other thing: if you're thinking that it's been a little quiet around here recently, you're right. David's been very busy with his degree work and I've just been rather short on cash, so unable to get out there and find interesting stuff as much as I'd like. Hopefully things will pick up again soon, though. If nothing else, I have a fantastically geeky day out among some awesomely terrible life-size dinosaurs planned for next weekend, as well as more Vintage Dinosaur Art from the '70s on the way. Stay tuned.Until then, here's a photo of a cassowary's (Casuarius casuarius) big behind that Niroot took while at the zoo. Cassowaries are perhaps some of the birds that are most evocative of their nonavian theropod relatives, as was explored in the Inside Nature's Giants episode 'The Dinosaur Bird'. Enjoy.

Content analysis:

Geographic context:

Chiang MaiTH18.792598.9974


birds, Cassowaries, cassowary, casuarius, Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai zoo, complete nonsense, degree work, dinosaur, Dinosaur Bird, evocative, geeky, Hopefully, information board, Inside Nature, interesting stuff, life-size, main text, Matt Martyniuk, nonavian theropod relatives, nonavian theropods.Zoos, quiet, reasonable number, terrible life-size dinosaurs, Thai, theropod, Vintage Dinosaur Art, wonderful diagrams, zoos | Impressum