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Monnow Valley - Landscape evolution on the Old Red Sandstone

Source info:

Author: Edie
Date: 2012-07-04 20:22:00
Blog: Geology in the West Country


Dave Green will talk about the Monnow Valley tomorrow, Thursday 5th July and lead a field trip to the area on Saturday July 7thEveryone is welcome to both the talk and the field trip. £4 for visitors to the talk and £2 for visitors on the field trip. The talk takes place at BRLSI, 16 Queens Square, Bath - free refreshments.On Saturday, meet at 11.00 a.m. at St. Maughan's Church car park SO461171. Car sharing is recommended as we shall be on narrow roads with restricted parking. Strong shoes and a packed lunch are required.Further details

Content analysis:

Stratigraphic context:

Recognized stratigraphic terms [n]:Old Red Sandstone [1]
Agenames chronostratigraphy [rating]:Carboniferous [0.1]
Devonian [0.1]
Paleozoic [0.5]
Phanerozoic [0.5]
Middle Devonian [0.1]

Geographic context:

Queens SquareGB52.5178-1.99249


Bath Geological Society, car park, car sharing, church car, field trip, free refreshments, july 7th, landscape evolution, maughan, narrow roads, packed lunch, sandstone, shoes | Impressum