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18th August - Beachley Point and Tidenham Chase

Source info:

Author: Edie
Date: 2012-08-14 11:24:00
Blog: Geology in the West Country


Saturday 18 AugustAn all-day geological ramble around Beachley Point and Tidenham Chase with Dave Owen, formerly of Gloucestershire Geology Trust.We start at 10.00 hrs directly underneath the old Severn Bridge at Beachley, map reference SO 552 906.Beachley Point is the confluence of Rivers Wye and Severn (which have their sources on either side of the same mountain in Wales, Plynlimon). The Lower Carboniferous Rock is overlain by Triassic mudstones, sandstones and conglomerates in an angular unconformity, as well as brought together by a fault. This will take about two hours.In the afternoon we will drive to the village of Tutshill, walk around the southern end of Tidenham Chase, looking at the Wye Gorge, the Drybrook Limestone exposures at Wintour's Leap, then heading east, to see the entrance to the old railway tunnel (which emerges again at the base of Tintern Quarry, then into Dayhouse Quarry, where the Lower Dolomite is exposed (now home to the National Diving and Activity Centre).Sandwiches, or for those who would prefer, the Live & Let Live at Tutshill can provide pub lunch. It is advisable to warn them of numbers in advance (contact details below). We can leave cars in their car park for the afternoon walk. This will be about 2.5 to 3 hrs, depending on speed of walking.If the weather is warm, please bring plenty to drink and sun protection.Live & Let Live Inn, Coleford Road, Tutshill, Chepstow, Gwent, NP16 7BN 08714 329005(If anyone could offer a lift to a member coming from St. Philips, Central Bristol, could they please contact me as soon as possible?)

Content analysis:

Stratigraphic context:

Recognized stratigraphic terms [n]:Triassic [1]
Agenames chronostratigraphy [rating]:Triassic [0.1]
Mesozoic [0.1]
Phanerozoic [0.1]

Geographic context:

NP16 7BNGB51.6496-2.6661
Severn BridgeCA44.7779-79.3345
St. PhilipsGB51.4564-2.58032


18th august, afternoon walk, all-day geological ramble, angular unconformity, Beachley Point, Bristol Naturalists' Society, car park, Carboniferous, Central Bristol, Chepstow, Coleford Road, contact details, Dave Owen, Dayhouse Quarry, Drybrook Limestone exposures, geological, Gloucestershire Geology Trust.We, Live Inn, Lower Carboniferous Rock, Lower Dolomite, map reference, National Diving, old railway tunnel, old severn bridge, Philips, Plynlimon, pub lunch, sandstones, saturday 18 augustan, Severn, southern end, Tidenham Chase, Tintern Quarry, Triassic mudstones, Tutshill, Wales, Wye Gorge | Impressum