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Sunday, 03 March 2013

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Home Over Florida Sinkhole Demolished News [23:56:45]  recommend  recommend this post  (88 visits) info
Last week a sinkhole opened beneath a home in Florida while the occupants were sleeping. One man’s bed fell into the sink and the efforts of family and rescue workers were not successful in retrieving him. Now he is presumed dead and demolition equipment is there to remove the structure while the sinkhole continues to


Eruptions [23:39:52]  recommend  recommend this post  (94 visits) info
So, the next few weeks are going to be quite hectic for me, but the reason is nothing to complain about: we’re off to Hawai’i. No, this isn’t a vacation, but rather our annual Geosciences Department Spring Break field trip,

cartoDB and Leaflet: consuming the table or part two 

Digital Geography [21:30:03]  recommend  recommend this post  (726 visits) info
In our first post we concentrated on the creation of a tabkle in leaflet and simple ways to adminster our data and to embed the map in a webpage. Today we will consume only the table with Leaflet. Let’s [...]

Arte icnológico 

El Vinosaurio [20:29:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (56 visits) info
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Northern Arizona uranium mine proposed on State Trust Lands 

Arizona Geology [20:09:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (51 visits) info
A joint venture between Uranium One and VANE Minerals is proposing to mine uranium from a breccia pipe on State Trust Lands in northern Arizona where federal lands have been withdrawn.[Right, location map of [...]

Highest Crude Production in 20 Years News [18:37:32]  recommend  recommend this post  (65 visits) info
“U.S. crude oil production exceeded an average 7 million barrels per day (bbl/d) in November and December 2012, the highest volume since December 1992.” Quoted from the Energy Information [...]

cf. Spathites revelieranus (Courtiller, 1860) - Bilder [18:21:49]  recommend  recommend this post  (81 visits) info
, (älteres Synonym: Mammites binicostatum) Bildbreite: etwa 15cm - Turon, unteres Turon (Brießnitz-Formation) - Ort: Brücke über den Gebergrund (A17),

Faziesstück - Bilder [18:15:29]  recommend  recommend this post  (56 visits) info
Faziesstück, gedrückte Schwammlagen + Steinkern von Exogyra sp.; Bildbreite: 25cm - Cenoman, oberes Cenoman (Dölzschen-Formation) - Ort: Brücke über das Müglitztal (A17),

unbestimmt - Bilder [18:06:43]  recommend  recommend this post  (46 visits) info
, unbestimmt - Coniac, unteres-mittleres Coniac (Schrammstein-Formation, Zatschke-Mergel) - Ort: Brücke über den Bonnewitzer Grund (S177), Pirna-Bonnewitz (Sächsische

unbestimmte "Pecte" - Bilder [17:53:03]  recommend  recommend this post  (28 visits) info
unbestimmte "Pecte", Bildbreite etwa 5cm - Cenoman, oberes Cenoman (Dölzschen-Formation) - Ort: Autobahnhalde (A17),

Favosites Growing on Crinoid Stem 

Louisville Area Fossils [16:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (136 visits) info

A Favosites coral growing around the stem of a crinoid. This type of growth appears to have been typical for this coral. Fossil was found in the Waldron Shale of Clark County, Indiana. It grew in the Silurian [...]

Geo-Quiz of the Week: General Geology III 

About Geology [14:52:20]  recommend  recommend this post  (23 visits) info
This week's Geo-Whiz Quiz is another no-holds-barred, mixed-martial-arts General Geology Quiz that only the most polymathic of geophiles will master! Show us your wide intellectual range and your imperturbable [...]

Chlamys sp. - Bilder [14:02:31]  recommend  recommend this post  (48 visits) info
Abdruck im groben Sandstein, - Turon, unteres Turon (Schmilka-Formation) - Ort: Obere Kirchleite bei Königstein, Sächsische

Lava Oceans on Mercury? News [13:14:52]  recommend  recommend this post  (53 visits) info
“Scientists at MIT have proposed that Mercury may have harbored a large, roiling ocean of magma very early in its history, shortly after its formation about 4.5 billion years ago.” Quoted from the [...]

Wooster’s Fossils of the Week: More bryozoan etchings and an African slug surprise 

Wooster Geologists [06:45:21]  recommend  recommend this post  (647 visits) info
This is the inside of a modern cockle shell (Dinocardium vanhyningi) found on a beach in Wilmington, North Carolina. Across the surface is a radiating series of pits, each of which was formed under a zooid of [...]

Huntington Beach Baseball 

I think mining [05:16:12]  recommend  recommend this post  (70 visits) info
Today was the first official baseball game my third grandson has played.  In the bright sunshine of a green field, he and the rest of the five- to seven-year olds who have practiced for a month or two, [...]

Volcanic Aerosols Are Mitigating Climate Change (some) 

The Dragon’s Tales [21:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (46 visits) info
A team led by the University of Colorado Boulder looking for clues about why Earth did not warm as much as scientists expected between 2000 and 2010 now thinks the culprits are hiding in plain sight -- dozens [...]

Helicoprion, el misterio del tiburon con dientes en espiral. 

WeBlog Aragosaurus [20:28:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (56 visits) info
Helicoprion es uno de esos fósiles que más ha despertado la imaginación de profesionales y aficionados. Se trata de un tiburón fósil del Pérmico de EE.UU. del que se conocían su fascinante [...]

Faces of Earth Videos News [19:27:27]  recommend  recommend this post  (626 visits) info
The American Geosciences Institute has posted four “Faces of Earth” videos on their YouTube channel. Check them

Deep earthquake swarm in Tungafellsjökull volcano 

Iceland Volcano and Earthquake blog [18:29:45]  recommend  recommend this post  (568 visits) info
Today (03.03.2013) between 13:19 UTC and to 13:21 UTC a deep earthquake swarm took place in a volcano named Tungnafellsjökull. This was a minor earthquake swarm, with the largest earthquake having magnitude [...]

Daily Geology Photos – March 3 

Geology News [18:21:35]  recommend  recommend this post  (76 visits) info
A summary of photos posted on flickr today, tagged with “geology.” Displayed below are 72 geology-related photos were added to flickr today. Similar Posts on Geology News: Daily Geology Photos [...]

"Apporhais" - Bilder [18:10:36]  recommend  recommend this post  (565 visits) info
"Apporhais", unvollständig, daher wohl unbestimmbar - Coniac, unteres-mittleres Coniac (Schrammstein-Formation, Zatzschke-Mergel) - Ort: Brücke über den Bonnewitzer Grund (S177), Pirna-Bonnewitz [...]

Cidaris vesiculosa Goldfuss - Bilder [17:59:49]  recommend  recommend this post  (31 visits) info
Handstück mit Seeigelstacheln, - Cenoman, oberes Cenoman (Dölzschen-Formation) - Ort: Hoher Stein,

Micro-Sub in a Buried Antarctic Lake News [16:44:23]  recommend  recommend this post  (35 visits) info
This video shows how a NASA micro-sub was deployed 2000 feet down a borehole to investigate one of the subglacial lakes in

Un día en Somosaguas: Gomphotherium 

Investigación GeoPaleoBiológica en Somosaguas [15:46:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (49 visits) info
Hacer click en la imagen para

Twin M2.7 earthquakes Alabama 

Ontario-geofish [14:43:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (45 visits) info
Now, if they had decent seismic monitoring we would find these earthquakes to be nearly identical, and probably right along the road.  That's a nice little injection sequence.  Since they are in the middle [...]

Third Van Allen Belt Discovered News [13:38:11]  recommend  recommend this post  (64 visits) info
“Since their discovery over 50 years ago, the Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts have been considered to consist of two distinct zones of trapped, highly energetic charged particles.” The [...]

The Recapture Creek sauropod: the reveal 

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week [08:23:16]  recommend  recommend this post  (601 visits) info
If you’re just joining us, this post is a follow-up to this one, in which I considered the possible size and identity of the Recapture Creek femur fragment, which “Dinosaur Jim” Jensen (1987: [...]

What Was The Greatest Moment of Your Life? 

Geotripper [06:35:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (63 visits) info
In my imagination, I could see someone, doing a job that he obviously hates, working as a (fill in hated occupation here; I don't want to insult anyone's choices), talking about the greatest moment of his [...] | Impressum