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Friday, 26 December 2014

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Lo stato di New York vieterà per legge il fracking con l'approvazione dell'elettorato 

scienzeedintorni [23:17:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (132 visits) info
Andrew Cuomo, recentemente rieletto governatore, annunzia che prossimamente verrà definitivamente bannata la pratica del fracking nel territorio dello stato di New York. il provvedimento è stato preso anche perchè l'opinione pubblica locale non nutre simpatia per questa pratica e quindi non ci saranno danni per il Partito Democratico locale. Un aspetto particolare della vicenda è che le proteste sono venute soprattutto da proprietari terrieri che contavano sui proventi delle concessioni sui [...]

Dinosaur Tournament Season 3, Part 2 

Dinosaur Home - Blogs [22:47:01]  recommend  recommend this post  (139 visits) info
So today, I decided to make a dinosaur tournament with 16 dinosaurs. I want you to choose who you think is cooler looking out of the dinosaurs below. Kosmoceratops VS Chasmosaurus Centrosaurus VS Microceratops remember, it’s not who would win in a fight, it’s who is cooler

Cliffs of the Ruby Mountains: More Views from the Hanging Valley Pullout 

Looking for Detachment [19:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (165 visits) info
While I'm gradually working my way toward posting a bit about the nappe in Lamoille Canyon, let's take a quick look at more views of the cliffs from the hanging valley pullout. A shadowed view of the cliffs [...]

The March of the Dinosprites 

Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs [17:19:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (132 visits) info
Last week I shared some pixel art dinosaurs I was working on and said I'd been continuing them as a series. It's a fun little project to kick off 2015, with a new one shared every Friday, and added to my [...]

Year-End Summary of Eastern Earthquakes - Part 6 

Ontario-geofish [13:53:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (136 visits) info
So now we know we have these huge megathrusts forming bands of good and bad rock.  Good rock is what we drilled with our deep holes at Darlington -- high stress, extremely tight.  The rock came out in 10 [...]

What’s up? The Friday links (64) 

Paleoseismicity [13:17:53]  recommend  recommend this post  (166 visits) info
Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas, everybody. Have a joyful season and a happy, happy, happy new year! In case you’ve forgotten (over eating and drinking): Today is Friday and here are your links!   [...]

Prehistopulp I 

Koprolitos [11:42:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (120 visits) info
Más información haciendo clic en las imágenes. En la ilustración superior, por cierto, Earle Bergey tomó prestado de estas dos pinturas de Charles

Wooster’s Fossil of the Week: A Cretaceous oyster with borings and bryozoans from Mississippi 

Wooster Geologists [05:47:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (146 visits) info
 Cretaceous; US,GB
As winter closes in on Ohio, I start dreaming about past field trips in warm places. This week’s fossil takes me back to fieldwork in Alabama and Mississippi during May of 2010. Paul Taylor (The Natural [...]

One year ago today: Christmas in Antarctica with the Americans and Brits 

Highly Allochthonous [00:59:21]  recommend  recommend this post  (121 visits) info
There aren’t many things that sound less festive than sitting through a PowerPoint presentation from the National Science Foundation, but after GeoKid celebrated Santa being able to find her even at [...]

Geologia de Bentiaba, Angola 

Lusodinos- Dinossauros de Portugal [18:22:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (150 visits) info
 Cretaceous; BR,US,AO,KM,NL,NA,
A geologia e a riqueza faunística de Bentiaba em Angola sempre nos causou admiração. Um estudo do Projecto PaleoAngola, agora publicado, explica a geologia e paleoecologia da acumulação de ossos (bonebed) [...]

Year-End Summary of Eastern Earthquakes - Part 7 

Ontario-geofish [16:09:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (179 visits) info
Longest series ever.  I've been writing in snatches between festivities. Natural seeps may be very well and good, but what if you want to create a New New Madrid in a hurry?  You inject surface water [...]

Friday fold: another gem from the Chancellor Slate 

Mountain Beltway [13:37:10]  recommend  recommend this post  (128 visits) info
That pretty much speaks for itself, I

Paleoescándalos: La salamandra que no se salvó de la ira de Dios 

Dinosaurios (el cuaderno de Godzillín) [13:03:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (161 visits) info
Hay gente que dedica su vida a una causa, y Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (Zúrich [Suiza], 2 de agosto de 1672 - 23 de junio de 1733, médico y naturalista) dedicó gran parte de su vida a recoger pruebas que [...]

December 26, 2014 News [07:10:35]  recommend  recommend this post  (118 visits) info
Low Oil Prices Hurts LNG Hawaii Looking for LNG SuppliersPacific What is LNG ? Earthquake Could Destroy LA’s Water LifelineLos Angeles Times The [...]

Mengenang 10 tahun Gempa Tsunami Aceh 2014 

Dogeng Geology [03:51:36]  recommend  recommend this post  (109 visits) info

Saat terjadinya Gempa Tsunami Aceh 2004, saya memerlukan waktu beberapa hari untuk menyadari apa yang sebenernya sedang dan akan terjadi. Saya menuliskan kekhawatiran ini dua hari setelah kejadian dalam milis [...]

Year-End Summary of Eastern Earthquakes - Part 5 

Ontario-geofish [00:14:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (120 visits) info
So, for a few hundred million years we had this Precambrian surface which was not flat, as some people would have you believe.  Then the plates shifted over a cold spot and the whole thing sank beneath the [...] | Impressum