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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

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El pla de l'encavalcament de l'escata de les Pedritxes-La Pineda als Caus (Vallès Occidental) 

Bloc de camp [23:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (103 visits) info
En la literatura divulgativa sovint trobem un error que diu (o dona a entendre) que la farina de falla de Ribes Blaves i d'altres punts situats al llarg de la Falla del Vallès són producte de l'esfondrament del Vallès, és a dir de la mecànica distensiva que formà la fossa durant el miocè. Però això no és així. Aquesta farina de falla és paleocena i es forma durant una etapa anterior en que

Carboniferous Forest Simulator 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [22:24:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (184 visits) info
Mehr unter Das Programm ist unter herunterzuladen und frei für den Privatgebrauch (Alpha Version). Die finale Version wird auch für Museen und Lehre benutzbar

Paying to Protect the Environment 

State of the Planet [22:06:29]  recommend  recommend this post  (89 visits) info
Ecosystems provide numerous benefits and services essential to humankind such as food, fuel and fiber; they help clean the air and water, help control flooding and regulate climate. One increasingly favored [...]

100 Millionen Jahre alte Schildlaus betrieb Brutpflege 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [21:59:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (158 visits) info
     Wissenschaftler der Universität Bonn haben mit Kollegen aus China, Großbritannien und Polen den ältesten Beleg für Brutpflege bei Insekten beschrieben: Es handelt sich dabei um eine Schildlaus, [...]

Linux - Getting an AMD APU to work 

Ontario-geofish [20:14:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (148 visits) info
One of my machines is mostly a spare, loaded with disks.  I just run stable Debian on it, and it never fails.  When I last rejuvenated it, I just wanted 4 cpu's and an integrated graphics, since I wasn't [...]

Burgos, entre pinos y dinosaurios, en La Razón 

Tierra de Dinosaurios [17:22:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (130 visits) info
En La Razón (con la colaboración de Traveler) publican hoy un artículo turístico sobre la zona burgalesa de Pinares, en la que se destacan varios tesoros que visitar como la necrópolis de Revenga, la Casa [...]

Deutsche Rohstoff: Rhein Petroleum findet Öl im hessischen Ried 

Rohstoff Blog [16:58:30]  recommend  recommend this post  (18 visits) info
Probebohrung “Schwarzbach 1” erfolgreich abgeschlossen Heidelberg. Die Rhein Petroleum GmbH, eine 10%-Beteiligung der Deutsche Rohstoff AG, ist zum Abschluss der

Drought Effects On Water Quality Of Freshwater Systems 

Lake Scientist [16:10:07]  recommend  recommend this post  (125 visits) info
After a prolonged drought on the River Murray and Lower Lakes system in South Australia, a researcher at the University of Adelaide decided to look further into the effects that[...] The post Drought Effects [...]

Deutsche Rohstoff: Rhein Petroleum findet Öl im hessischen Ried 

Rohstoff Blog [14:32:16]  recommend  recommend this post  (119 visits) info
Probebohrung “Schwarzbach 1” erfolgreich abgeschlossen Heidelberg. Die Rhein Petroleum GmbH, eine 10%-Beteiligung der Deutsche Rohstoff AG, ist zum Abschluss der mehrwöchigen Probebohrung „Schwarzbach [...]

La nueva Jurassichelon y otras tortugas mal conocidas del Jurásico europeo 

Dinosaurios (el cuaderno de Godzillín) [11:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (167 visits) info
Como ya hemos indicado en otras ocasiones en este blog, el registro de tortugas litorales del Jurásico Superior de Europa es muy relevante, ya que está compuesto por varios taxones endémicos de este [...]

Postepithyris cincta brachiopod from France 

Views of the Mahantango [09:01:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (206 visits) info
 Jurassic; FR
I always like large brachiopods and these specimens of Postepithryis cincta certainly meet that standard. The specimens below are roughly 1.5" long (4cm) by 1.25" wide (3cm). They come from rocks dated to the [...]

Fraser Institute 2014 Survey 

I think mining [06:51:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (129 visits) info
  The Fraser Institute survey came out in February. I missed it—so here is a brief summary. The Fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies was sent to approximately 4,200 exploration, [...]

Warum die Artenvielfalt plötzlich explodierte 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [22:02:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (165 visits) info
     Vor rund 540 Millionen Jahren explodierte die Artenvielfalt auf der Erde: Innerhalb kurzer Zeit entstanden unzählige neue Arten, fast gleichzeitig entwickelten sich die Vorfahren der heutigen [...]

Methan im Trinkwasser und Fracking – Besteht ein Zusammenhang? 

Mente et Malleo [21:49:04]  recommend  recommend this post  (106 visits) info
Fracking ist hierzulande ja so etwas wie der Gottseibeiuns, und fast alle kennen den Film „Gasland“, in dem Wasser, das aus einem Wasserhahn tritt, entflammt wird. Weil sich in dem Trinkwasser Methan [...]

Field Photos: Hillslopes And Landslides Kumaon Himalayas 

Reporting on a Revolution [17:49:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (174 visits) info
During my recent trek in the Goriganga valley, I noticed steep hillsides and plenty of landslides. There are a number of geological attributes of this region that makes hill slopes susceptible to fail. The [...]

Deutsche Rohstoff: Rhein Petroleum findet Öl im hessischen Ried 

Rohstoff Blog [16:58:30]  recommend  recommend this post  (91 visits) info
Probebohrung “Schwarzbach 1” erfolgreich abgeschlossen Heidelberg. Die Rhein Petroleum GmbH, eine 10%-Beteiligung der Deutsche Rohstoff AG, ist zum Abschluss der

The 2015 Great Geobakeoff 

Geological Society of London blog [16:44:16]  recommend  recommend this post  (151 visits) info
The Great Geobakeoff is back! Last year, we were astonished, delighted, and a little bit scared by your levels of enthusiasm and commitment to the geobakeoff challenge. As Easter approaches, we’ve [...]

Union-wide events at EGU 2015 

GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [16:09:45]  recommend  recommend this post  (150 visits) info
Wondering what to expect at our General Assembly this year? Here are some of the highlights: Great Debates (GDB) This year we’re holding not one, not two, but four Great Debates! The topics covered this year [...]

Brontosaurus... um dos dinossauros mais emblemáticos 

Lusodinos- Dinossauros de Portugal [14:18:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (133 visits) info
O Brontosaurus é um dos nomes mais emblemáticos de dinossauros, apenas rivalizado pelo Tyrannosaurus rex. Contudo, o Brontosaurus foi tornado sinónimo de Apatosaurus em 1903 e tentativamente olvidado [...]

Driving Through the Most Dangerous Plate Boundary in the World: Looking for the "Big One" 

Geotripper [09:09:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (681 visits) info
Tomales Bay just might be the most contradictory places in all of California. On the one hand, it is one of the most peaceful and serene places in the state, a largely undeveloped fifteen-mile long bay, [...]

March 31, 2015 News [08:10:03]  recommend  recommend this post  (124 visits) info
Satisfaction with Geoscience Master’s Degree ProgramsAmerican Geosciences Institute Harvard: Wooly Mammoth DNA Spliced into Elephant CellsPopular Science Skiing Into the Heart of an Andean VolcanoEarth [...]

Skiing Bryce Canyon 

WATCH FOR ROCKS - Travels of a Sharp-Eyed Geologist [03:43:32]  recommend  recommend this post  (116 visits) info
 Neogene,Paleogene; AU,RU,US,CN,CA
Before the lamb of March turns into the showers of April, there are unanswered questions from my previous post that must be addressed. 1) Will we make it out alive before the amphitheater erodes completely? [...] | Impressum