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Wednesday, 03 June 2015

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Driving Through the Most Dangerous Plate Boundary in the World: The "Dr. Who" of Mountain Ranges 

Geotripper [21:47:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (167 visits) info
The Whitney Crest of the High Sierra. Mt. Whitney is just out of sight to the right. I was torn over the title for this addition to the "Driving Through" blog series. I thought of taking the zombie approach and calling them the living dead mountains ("they keep coming at you"), or the crazed killer angle ("they're never truly dead"), but these negative for a mountain

Looks like “Pelorosaurus” becklesii is actually Haestasaurus becklesii! 

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week [20:06:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (163 visits) info
Well, who knew? There I was posting images of “Pelorosaurus” becklesi‘s humerus, radius and ulna, and skin impression. There I was saying that this beast is due a proper description, and warrants its own generic name. And what should come out today but a new paper by Paul Upchurch, Phil Mannion and, oh yes, me, which

Rebuilding Sandbars in the Grand Canyon 

Geospace [19:42:29]  recommend  recommend this post  (157 visits) info
The Grand Canyon is a bit closer to how it was before one of the country’s largest dams was installed upstream. Three years of releasing water from Glen Canyon Dam to generate controlled floods has resulted [...]

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: Almonty gibt Investment in Woulfe Mining bekannt 

Rohstoff Blog [19:00:33]  recommend  recommend this post  (33 visits) info
Anteil an einer der größten Wolframlagerstätten weltweit/Ziel beide Firmen zu verschmelzen Heidelberg. Almonty Industries, eine Beteiligung der Deutsche Rohstoff AG,

Routing in QGIS … with Google 

Digital Geography [17:28:19]  recommend  recommend this post  (187 visits) info
Routing in QGIS was, as far as I know, always dependent on an available network. Either you had some database which was pgrouting enabled, or you had some network and used this via the roadgraph plugin. I [...]

Hugo Obermaier-Förderpreis 2016 

Deutsche Quartärvereinigung [16:22:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (136 visits) info
Zum sechsten Mal schreibt die Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft einen Förderpreis aus in Höhe von 5000,- Euro. Mit diesem Preis sollen den Zielen der Gesellschaft entsprechend Grabungs- [...]

William Smith celebrations in Bath 

Geology in the West Country [14:40:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (189 visits) info
4th June - lecture at BRLSI by Prof. Hugh Torrens for Bath Geological Society6th June - field trip led by Prof. Hugh Torrens for the Geologists' Association13th June - field trip led by Dr. David Workman for [...]

New takes on the Wealden Supergroup palaeobiota, part 2: Baryonyx, freshwater plesiosaurs, ornithomimosaurs and others blog [13:53:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (140 visits) info
 Cretaceous; NZ,US,GB,FR,IN
Last week we took a look at some new art of animals from the Wealden Supergroup, the intensively studied, historically important Lower Cretaceous rocks of Southern Britain. We all know the Wealden for [...]

Visit The Valley of Gwangi Tonight in Cleveland, OH 

Palaeoblog [13:39:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (184 visits) info
I'll be hosting a showing (with discussion to follow) of Ray Harryhausen's "The Valley of Gwangi" at the Capitol Theatre here in Cleveland, OH at 7pm tomorrow (Weds.) evening. It's all part of the [...]

Las prehistocubiertas de "Adventures into the Unknown" 

Koprolitos [09:50:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (209 visits) info
Adventures into the Unknown fue una revista de cómics de ciencia ficcion, horror y fantasía de la que American Comics Group publicó 147 números entre 1948 y 1967. Ogden Withney, cocreador del delirante [...]

June 3, 2015 News [08:10:12]  recommend  recommend this post  (162 visits) info
Hurricane Season is Upon UsUnited States Geological Survey How Are Hurricanes Named? Colombia Oil and Gas ReportEnergy Information Administration Little Known Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Off [...]

Words of Wisdom seen at HVO 

Adventures in the world of Geology [07:09:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (165 visits) info
Seen on the door to the Hawaii Volcano Observatory Library on my last

Northern Chilean Volcano Guallatiri Stirs 

Volcano Science And News Blog [04:35:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (204 visits) info
According to and a few social media outlets, Volcan Guallatiri is experiencing a volcanic quake swarm, prompting SERNAGEOMIN to raise the alert level. According to the [...]

A Mesozoic bird from Gondwana preserving feathers 

Palaeoblog [03:43:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (144 visits) info
A Mesozoic bird from Gondwana preserving feathers. 2015. Nature Communications. Abstract: The fossil record of birds in the Mesozoic of Gondwana is mostly based on isolated and often poorly preserved [...]

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: Almonty gibt Investment in Woulfe Mining bekannt 

Rohstoff Blog [19:00:33]  recommend  recommend this post  (164 visits) info
Anteil an einer der größten Wolframlagerstätten weltweit/Ziel beide Firmen zu verschmelzen Heidelberg. Almonty Industries, eine Beteiligung der Deutsche Rohstoff AG,

Which Dinosaurs Had Feathers? 

Palaeoblog [18:07:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (162 visits) info
Evolution of dinosaur epidermal structures. 2015. Biology Letters. A new study suggests that feathers were less prevalent among dinosaurs than previously believed. Scientists examined the fossil record of [...]

Small quake in northwest Arizona 

Arizona Geology [17:16:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (163 visits) info
A magnitude 2.7 earthquake struck northwest Arizona at 8:23 pm local time last night, about 354 miles southeast of the Arizona-Utah-Nevada intersection.  The location is on the Shivwits Plateau and near the [...]

Hugo Obermaier-Förderpreis 2016 

Deutsche Quartärvereinigung [16:22:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (217 visits) info
Zum sechsten Mal schreibt die Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft einen Förderpreis aus in Höhe von 5000,- Euro. Mit diesem Preis sollen den Zielen der Gesellschaft entsprechend Grabungs- und [...]

Ketternaspis (Leonaspis) williamsoni trilobite from Morocco 

Views of the Mahantango [14:16:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (176 visits) info
 Devonian; MA
The spiny trilobite in today's post is Ketternaspis (Leonaspis) williamsoni from Jebel Issoumour, near Alnif, Tafilalet region, Morocco. It is a smaller species and has many spines along the length of the body [...]

I Curso de Verão de Paleontologia de Vertebrados 

ALT-SOCIEDADE DE HISTÓRIA NATURAL [13:39:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (117 visits) info
Curso de Verão de Paleontologia de Vertebrados na FCUL, em cooperação com a SHN.O curso está definido a nível de Pós-Graduação pelo que se dará preferência a licenciados nas áreas das Geociências e [...]

Born This Day: James Hutton 

Palaeoblog [13:33:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (160 visits) info
Hutton (June 3, 1726 - March 26, 1797) is considered to be the father of modern geology. He is accredited with proposing that observed geologic processes have been occurring at a uniform rate since the [...]

Pharkant, Burma: a liquefaction landslide in mine tailings (with a stunning video) 

The Landslide Blog [09:42:13]  recommend  recommend this post  (162 visits) info
Two videos have appeared on Youtube showing an amazing liquefaction landslide in mine wastes in Pharkant, Burma in

This Will Make You Sit Down and Think For A While 

Dan\'s Wild Wild Science Journal [07:32:46]  recommend  recommend this post  (118 visits) info
I spotted this video thanks to Joe Hanson at It’s OK To Be Smart. He said after watching it that he needed to sit down and think for a while. I love reading about relativity, but i agree with Joe!  To [...]

Weather a Bit Less Strange? Death Valley in the Last Two Days: Hot! 

Geotripper [06:38:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (188 visits) info
There is, of course, hardly such a thing as "average" weather, just like there is no "average" precipitation. I'm pretty sure that the number of days in a given year that actually match the [...]

Cover art for Earth Science textbook 

The GeoChristian [03:59:42]  recommend  recommend this post  (194 visits) info
Earth Science: God’s World, Our Home from Novare Science and Math has a cover! Filed under: Geology, Old-Earth creationism, Science Education Tagged: Christian education, Earth Science, Middle School, [...]

Behind the Expected Quiet 2015 Hurricane Season 

State of the Planet [00:16:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (128 visits) info
On May 27, 2015, NOAA officially announced a likely below-normal Atlantic Hurricane season is coming up. The range for the possible numbers of major hurricanes is 0-2. What are the reasons behind it? How [...] | Impressum