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Sunday, 13 September 2015

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Vintage Life-Size 'Creature from The Black Lagoon' Model 

Palaeoblog [18:54:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (202 visits) info
From: Vintage Monster

A Blog on the Log of the Hole at the Bottom of the Sea 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [17:28:19]  recommend  recommend this post  (168 visits) info
We've been talking a lot in this blog about the cores we recover, but they're not the only source of data we use. We also get a lot of information out of the holes those cores leave behind. The holes have the same sediment layers as the cores, and unlike the cores themselves, which can be incomplete or mixed-up, the sediments in the ground can give us a very consistent record, hundreds of metres long. We measure the sediments on the [...]

PIB investido em ciência caiu em quatro anos seguidos 

Lusodinos- Dinossauros de Portugal [16:16:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (619 visits) info
Replica-se aqui a notícia do jornal Público, pela jornalista Teresa Firmino que, sempre atenta, mostra o preocupante desinvestimento na Ciência nos últimos 4 anos. Podemos culpar a crise por [...]

Vagabonding on Dangerous Ground: A Compendium of Posts 

Geotripper [09:29:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (675 visits) info
I've finished a new blog series on our exploration of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, so I've compiled all the posts in chronological order so you can get the story the correct sequence. Thanks for all the nice [...]

Vagabonding on Dangerous Ground: Danger Follows Us Home (As it does all of us) 

Geotripper [02:03:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (722 visits) info
Mt. St. Helens from Silver Lake We have finally reached the last few days of our meandering journey through the lands influenced by the Cascadia Subduction Zone. We spent several weeks out there, checking out [...]

Virtual Fossil Hunting? Possible Tool for Advancing Paleotological Discoveries? 

Louisville Area Fossils [12:10:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (679 visits) info
Earlier in the week, I saw a BBC News story entitled "Online fossil hunters to help comb Kenyan desert" by science reporter Jonathan Webb (8 September 2015). It talks about a British research web [...]

Digging the Past Event 2015 

Louisville Area Fossils [04:49:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (594 visits) info
Today, I helped out with the Digging the Past event at the Falls of the Ohio State Park. The weather was nice. A lot of visitors showed up despite the main building being closed for renovations and there is so [...] | Impressum