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Tuesday, 29 December 2015

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Moderate quake south of Fredonia 

Arizona Geology [16:40:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (219 visits) info
A magnitude 3.6 earthquake struck about 24 miles SSE of Fredonia yesterday at 3:33 p.m. local time.  There are reports of light shaking being felt from the south rim of Grand Canyon to Orderville in southern Utah.  [Right, red star marks epicenter of quake. Light blue areas are where the quake was reported felt. Credit, USGS] update 9:37 a.m. 12-29-15:  The recording below from the

A Challenge to communicate 

GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [13:01:19]  recommend  recommend this post  (209 visits) info
In this guest post,  Sam Illingworth, regular contributor to GeoLog on all things science communication and education, discusses whether it is the responsibility of all geoscientists to communicate their science and research and challenges you to make some time to get involved in public engagement in 2016. As researchers it is very easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of our scientific endeavours that we forget about the impact of what it is that we are doing. Geoscience is not done in [...]

Serpentinite mélange on Marshall’s Beach 

Mountain Beltway [15:34:32]  recommend  recommend this post  (207 visits) info
South of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, there are beachside exposures of serpentinite mélange: tectonically sheared-out former oceanic crust accreted to western North America as part of an [...]

Died This Day: William King Gregory 

Palaeoblog [14:53:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (191 visits) info
imageWilliam King Gregory (May, 19 1876 – Dec. 29, 1970) was an American zoologist and paleontologist who studied under Henry Fairfield Osborn and joined the American Museum of Natural History in 1911. As a [...]

Upcoming Palaeo-art Project 

ART Evolved: Life's Time Capsule [15:49:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (173 visits) info
After a rather long hiatus (at least 3 years overall) from palaeoart, taking on a moonlighting "career" in the board game industry, I've (Craig) decided to travel back into deep time recreation.I'm looking [...]

In Antarctica, melting ice drives unusual phytoplankton growth 

AGU Meetings [21:00:12]  recommend  recommend this post  (171 visits) info
In most of the Southern Ocean, phytoplankton – the base of the marine food web – grow poorly because they’re starved for iron. But in the Amundsen Sea on the west coast of Antarctica, phytoplankton [...]

Latest Oklahoma earthquake paroxysm starts 

Ontario-geofish [13:18:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (157 visits) info
Wow, it started early, fast and furious.  I was expecting another week or two, but maybe all that rain went down the open boreholes. This parox will be on the lower section.  I'm calling it with this [...]

La evolución según Blu 

Koprolitos [11:14:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (154 visits) info
El italiano Blu es uno de los principales exponentes del street art europeo. Radicado en Bolonia, participa en la escena del arte urbano desde 1999 y ha sido premiado por el Festival internacional de [...]

Reconstrucción placodermo Devónico 

WeBlog Aragosaurus [11:40:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (122 visits) info
Video con la reconstrucción del placodermo  Carolowilhelmina nadando en un mar Devónico. Forma parte de un audiovisual que puede verse en la exposición permanente de Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la [...]

Unidentified Gastropod Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [03:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (199 visits) info
 Carboniferous; US
This image is of an unidentified gastropod fossil. It was found in the New Providence Formation (Keokuk) of Scott County Indiana USA. This creature existed in the Mississippian Period. Thanks to Kenny for [...]

Seesawing sea surface height corresponds with global temperatures, study finds 

AGU Meetings [17:36:16]  recommend  recommend this post  (175 visits) info
Patterns of sea level changes in the Pacific may be a better way to monitor global temperatures than measuring ocean temperatures at the sea surface, new research finds. Those changes in sea level can explain [...]

Dreams of Summer and Southwest Travels: Hole in the Wall, Mojave National Preserve 

Geotripper [08:46:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (171 visits) info
Christmas is over and suddenly the snow and blizzards aren't so fun any more. I find myself dreaming of warmer places and times, including a great journey we took last summer across the southwest with my [...]

Weather warning for Iceland 30-December-2015 

Iceland Volcano and Earthquake blog [02:59:48]  recommend  recommend this post  (164 visits) info
The weather forecast for Iceland on 30-December-2015 is looking really bad. The worst weather is going to be in eastern Iceland and possibly in western Iceland. It is not known where the worst wind is going to [...]

Microbiology in the Geology 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [04:25:55]  recommend  recommend this post  (155 visits) info
A big part of Expedition 360 happens in a small corner of one of the labs on F Deck. Here you can always manage to find one of our resident microbiologists, Virginia Edgcomb or Jason Sylvan, on the hunt for [...]

Living Rocks In Great Salt Lake 

Lake Scientist [22:01:17]  recommend  recommend this post  (137 visits) info
Thanks to a railroad causeway that divides it into two halves, Utah’s Great Salt Lake has provided researchers with a neat natural laboratory for some time. The separation makes it[...] The post Living Rocks [...] | Impressum