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Tuesday, 29 March 2016

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This Has Meteorologists Talking Today 

Dan\'s Wild Wild Science Journal [23:56:53]  recommend  recommend this post  (147 visits) info
An interesting paper came out today, and it has we meteorologists talking. It’s about using sea water temperature patterns in the Pacific to forecast heat waves in the eastern portions of North America. Researchers found that when a certain pattern of water temperatures appeared, there would often be unusually hot weather in the Eastern U.S. about 40-50 days later. A statistical analysis using this method over the years 1982-2013 showed

Vorsicht, Steinschlag (erneut Bergstürze) 

Mente et Malleo [23:19:18]  recommend  recommend this post  (169 visits) info
Im letzten Beitrag hatte ich ja über das Phänomen der "nasty dancing rocks" bei Bergstürzen geschrieben. Wie kleinere und größere Steine bei Steinschlägen an Geschwindigkeit gewinnen und sich dabei springend und um die eigene Achse drehend bewegen. Diese Bewegung kann sie nicht nur schwer zu berechnen machen, die hohe Geschwindigkeit und ihre weiten Sprünge machen sie bei den Bergrutschereignissen auch zu einer enormen Gefahr, wie man in dem unteren Video gut erkennen kann. Hier sind [...]

Senate vote imminent on geologist de-licensing bill 

Arizona Geology [22:27:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (179 visits) info
An email sent out to Arizona members of AIPG reports that the bill to eliminate licensing of geologists and other professions in Arizona (HB2613) is set to be discussed in Senate Caucus today and could be [...]

A Long Way Gone 

A Long Way To Go [21:23:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (124 visits) info
I graduated with a master's degree a couple of months ago. Even though I have neglected this blog in recent years and I still don't feel like a real geophysicist, technically graduation marked the end of the [...]

Sea Story #3 = The other rescue 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [18:35:27]  recommend  recommend this post  (132 visits) info
This story comes from Cornelis Van Gelder, one of our crane operators.  He gave me a video to watch, but no photos to post (the one photo here is [...]

Death Valley Trip, Getting There: Walker Lake, Road Stories, A Bit about Copper, and Some Folds near Luning 

Looking for Detachment [18:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (154 visits) info
MOH and I left the area where we had stopped to hike (shorelines, remember?), and we steered steadily south—south to south by east—between the steep eastern face of the Wassuk Range and Walker Lake's [...]

New satellite could provide better data for hurricane prediction 

AGU Meetings [16:09:43]  recommend  recommend this post  (139 visits) info
The launch of the GOES-R geostationary satellite in October 2016 could herald a new era for predicting hurricanes, a new study finds. The wealth of information from this new satellite, at time and space scales [...]

Looking for a job in the geosciences? Visit the job spot at EGU 2016 

GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [14:52:07]  recommend  recommend this post  (166 visits) info
The General Assembly can be an excellent source of information for those looking for jobs or doctoral positions. The Job Spot, is located in the EGU and Friends area, next to the EGU Booth (Hall X2, Brown [...]

USGS Joins the March to New-Science (Philosophy) 

Ontario-geofish [13:26:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (157 visits) info
The Big Gus has joined our favourite warmists, in fleeing physics.  Their new map is totally qualitative and can mean anything they want to mean, day to day.  Not a speck of physics. Ever since the warmists [...]

Sparmos Dam – a significant dam failure in Greece on Sunday 28th March 

The Landslide Blog [09:42:11]  recommend  recommend this post  (176 visits) info
On Sunday 28th March 2016 the Sparmos Dam in Greece underwent an overtopping and breach event, damaging local fields and

Cubiertas de prehistocómics X 

Koprolitos [08:53:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (142 visits) info
Esta selección es cortesía del señor Ata Lassalle, dibujante y sheriff de la editorial Autsaider Cómics. Más portadas de prehistocómics

Secrets of the sediment! 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [02:30:26]  recommend  recommend this post  (154 visits) info
One of our scientists aboard the ship, Thibaut Caley, is studying specifically the leakage of water from the Agulhas Current into the Atlantic [...]

Why Lake Hillier Is Pink 

Lake Scientist [22:17:30]  recommend  recommend this post  (186 visits) info
More than two years ago, we speculated as to why Australia’s Lake Hillier is such a spectacular pink. At the time, a type of color-producing algae, Dunaliella salina, was at[...] The post Why Lake Hillier Is [...]

CUAHSI cyberseminars on Urban Streams 

Watershed Hydrogeology Blog [21:04:42]  recommend  recommend this post  (135 visits) info
Green infrastructure, groundwater and the sustainable city Larry Band, Institute for the Environment at University of North Carolina Watershed context and the evolution of urban streams Derek Booth, Bren [...]

Drone Regulations are Moving Forward 

Speaking of Geoscience [18:34:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (157 visits) info
If your eyes warily drift to an open window anytime someone mentions a drone, you’re not alone. The devices’ frequent portrayals as vehicles for snooping in popular culture have created an aura of agility [...]

Two small quakes along Nevada border 

Arizona Geology [17:52:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (116 visits) info
A magnitude 2.3 earthquake occurred along the Arizona-Nevada border this morning at 5:11 a.m. local time, followed by a magnitude 1.8 event (aftershock?) just over an hour later, and just southeast of the [...]

Wooster Geologist Annette Hilton (’17) meets Lunar Geologist Harrison Schmitt 

Wooster Geologists [15:52:21]  recommend  recommend this post  (149 visits) info
Annette Hilton (’17) gave a talk this month at the 47th Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference, along with her summer internship advisor Julianne Gross of the American Museum of Natural History and [...]

Four new GIGAmacro images 

Mountain Beltway [13:56:20]  recommend  recommend this post  (156 visits) info
Here are a few new images I’ve been working on with my home-based Magnify2 imaging system from GIGAmacro. Archean basement complex gneiss from the Gallatin Range of Montana: Link (If this looks familiar, [...]

Putting Science at the Heart of Development 

Geology for Global Development [11:06:49]  recommend  recommend this post  (222 visits) info
Sue Desmond-Hellman (CEO of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) and Nick Hurd (Minister for International Development, DFID – UK Department for International Development) have written a joint article on [...]

Camarotoechia haraganensis brachiopod from the Bois d'Arc formation of Oklahoma 

Views of the Mahantango [09:01:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (162 visits) info
I found a few of these tiny, elongated brachiopods while searching the Bois d'Arc formation. I believe it is called Camarotoechia haraganensis. It's a small shell that is longer than it is wide. Both [...]

Bozeman creation conference preview and expectations 

The GeoChristian [05:18:04]  recommend  recommend this post  (192 visits) info
On April 1-3, 2016, Grace Bible Church in Bozeman, Montana will be hosting a Creation Conference featuring three prominent young-Earth advocates. I plan on attending this conference, and posting reviews and [...]

Families First: HMNS Expands Accessibility to Accommodate Autism Spectrum Disorders 

BEYONDbones [01:00:47]  recommend  recommend this post  (161 visits) info
Families come in many shapes, many sizes and many kinds. We at the Houston Museum of Natural Science are always looking for ways to make our halls and collections more accessible to families of every [...] | Impressum