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Thursday, 02 June 2016

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Splicing, Dicing, and Fish 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [22:46:24]  recommend  recommend this post  (148 visits) info

Japan Geoscience Union Meeting a Success 

Riparian Rap [20:31:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (154 visits) info
Akiyo and Go Matsumoto were busy last week representing Little River at the Japan Geoscience Union annual meeting in Tokyo. Their booth, featuring an Em2 with color-coded media, was extremely popular.      Akiyo has been working hard selling models in Japan, and recently she assisted at a dedication ceremony for the Em2 at the Hamamatsu Science Museum during their 30th anniversary celebration.That's Akiyo with the mic. She's a natural and a pro at engaging

Research Summary: Dark Carbon Fixation In Lake Sediments 

Lake Scientist [20:05:39]  recommend  recommend this post  (155 visits) info
Abstract Close to redox boundaries, dark carbon fixation by chemoautotrophic bacteria may be a large contributor to overall carbon fixation. Still, little is known about the relative importance of this[...] [...]

New Series Featuring Dinosaurs In The Old West! 

Dinosaur Home - Blogs [18:16:05]  recommend  recommend this post  (136 visits) info
I am going to be starting a new series called The Mysterious Valley: A Weird Western. This series will be focused on the merging of the people and environment of the Old West with dinosaurs and other [...]

Student Helps Engage Youth in Nepal’s Earthquake Recovery 

State of the Planet [17:15:48]  recommend  recommend this post  (145 visits) info
Karolina Walęcik, a recently graduated MPA-DP student from the class of 2016, spent her summer field placement on a post-earthquake aid transparency project with the Accountability Lab in Kathmandu,

The current state of El Nino 

Ontario-geofish [16:17:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (164 visits) info
For those of us near the poles, all of our 'weather' comes from the equator in the form of plumes.  These are generated by N-S ocean currents which are deflected up by land masses.  Without any land [...]

Flood deposits of Glacial Lake Missoula outburst floods 

Mountain Beltway [13:47:50]  recommend  recommend this post  (224 visits) info
Two weeks ago, I went on an awesome, informal field trip to eastern Washington State to visit the Channeled Scablands for the first time. My collegue Bill Richards of North Idaho College picked me up in [...]

Masaya: Zugang gesperrt 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [10:15:47]  recommend  recommend this post  (197 visits) info
Der Zugang zum Nationalpark Masaya wurde gestern wieder gesperrt. Am 31.05.2016 ereignete sich ein Schwarmbeben. Das stärkste Erdbeben hatte eine Magnitude von 4.3. Sein Hypozentrum lag in 4 km Tiefe. [...]

Soñando dinosaurios con Jack Cunningham 

Koprolitos [09:50:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (143 visits) info
 Jurassic; US
El artista londinense Jack Cunningham se caracteriza por un estilo limpio y sencillo de dibujo que recuerda a las ilustraciones de los libros infantiles. Trabaja como director en Nexus Productions, siendo [...]

Guided geology walk at Point Whitehorn this Saturday 

Northwest Geology Field Trips [05:18:06]  recommend  recommend this post  (465 visits) info
I am leading free geology walks at Point Whitehorn in Whatcom County  this Saturday, June 4, as part of Whatcom Land Trusts annual “What’s the Point” nature walks. The walks are at 10:00 and [...]

Please remember to support Iceland geology 

Iceland Volcano and Earthquake blog [19:23:40]  recommend  recommend this post  (126 visits) info

Keeping this website running costs money and keeping my self a float costs money. Currently I am preparing to search for a job in Denmark in order to resolve this money issue for good, but that is going [...]

In desert suburb, homes in homeowners’ associations use less water, study finds 

AGU Meetings [17:27:22]  recommend  recommend this post  (155 visits) info
A new study finds that in a Phoenix suburb, homeowners’ associations are good for water conservation. According to the study, homes in HOAs in Goodyear, Arizona use up to 17,000 fewer liters of water (4490 [...]

Seeing Stars with James Wooten: Mars Brightest in the Sky During the Month of the Summer Solstice 

BEYONDbones [17:02:43]  recommend  recommend this post  (170 visits) info
Jupiter is now high in the southwest at dusk. It outshines all stars we ever see at night, so you can’t miss it.  Mars and Saturn are now in the southeast at dusk. As you watch them rise, Mars is [...]

Geotech #16 

Ontario-geofish [14:44:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (153 visits) info
It hasn't really rained for a month, so anybody can do anything to a slope.  Without water we'd get no landslides or earthquakes.  Of course, we wouldn't be around to celebrate.  :) This was yesterday, [...]

Using Sentinel-2 for crop monitoring 

Digital Geography [12:30:55]  recommend  recommend this post  (282 visits) info
Sentinel-2 is the optical satellite of the Copernicus programme. It can be compared to Landsat, although it has a better resolution, of 10 to 20 meters. We’ll be using it for crop monitoring with simple [...]

Monday's Minor Mystery Solved Pretty Quickly: Poles with no Shadows in Hawai'i 

Geotripper [10:08:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (168 visits) info
You can't mystify scientists of the Earth with questions of latitude. I had numerous answers pretty darn quick about why this stop sign reveals my location. The sign pole is casting no shadow! The only way [...]

Exploring the Martin formation of Arizona 

Views of the Mahantango [09:01:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (149 visits) info
 Devonian; US
Back in March I took a couple of days off ahead of a week of corporate meetings in Tucson, AZ to do some exploring in the Grand Canyon state. Besides visiting the typical tourist destinations, Grand Canyon, [...]

The Theory Of The Glacial Sarasvati Has Been Given A Quiet Burial 

Reporting on a Revolution [05:11:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (153 visits) info
Something significant went unnoticed and unreported amongst all the hoopla surrounding the recent paper on Harappan civilization and its link to climate change. The theory of the glacial Sarasvati got dumped. [...] | Impressum