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Tuesday, 07 June 2016

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Carl Sagan teaching at his former school 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [19:14:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (238 visits) info

Bodenerosion - Boden schwimmt weg 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [18:32:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (230 visits) info

The Timeless Beauty of Wilderness: Mark Burns on his Photo Exhibition, The National Parks Project 

BEYONDbones [22:07:24]  recommend  recommend this post  (222 visits) info
by Mark Burns If you were to ask most Americans to name significant historical occurrences of 1864, most answers would probably involve the Civil War. But in fact it was in that same year that President [...]

Variably-cemented conglomerate – a virtual sample 

Mountain Beltway [12:07:07]  recommend  recommend this post  (213 visits) info
Here’s another example of a visualization combination that leverages the advantages of the GIGAmacro system with the 3D ‘virtual sample’ perspective of the Sketchfab-hosted model: the same [...]

Ida Valeton (1922 – 2016) – eine Geowissenschaftlerin im 20. Jahrhundert 

Mente et Malleo [21:41:24]  recommend  recommend this post  (195 visits) info
Manchmal liegen Freude und Trauer ja sehr dicht beieinander. Es war auf der Rückfahrt von unserem Bloggertreffen im April, als mir in der Bahn eine Todesanzeige auffiel. Sie besagte, dass Frau Prof. Dr. Ida [...]

All quiet in Iceland (at the moment) 

Iceland Volcano and Earthquake blog [18:19:12]  recommend  recommend this post  (171 visits) info
Currently everything is quiet in Iceland, from midnight (UTC) there have only been five earthquakes recorded (automatic, the manual number is higher) and I’m not sure if any of them did have the [...]

Boomerangs versus Javelins: The Impact of Polarization on Climate Change Communication 

Real Climate [17:55:23]  recommend  recommend this post  (165 visits) info
Guest commentary by Jack Zhou, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University For advocates of climate change action, communication on the issue has often meant “finding the right message” that will [...]

Helping Senegalese Farmers with Smart Solar 

State of the Planet [20:15:25]  recommend  recommend this post  (162 visits) info
An Earth Institute pilot project has brought smart solar power to farmers in Senegal, making agriculture more efficient, economical and

Subglacial Lake Discovered In Antarctica 

Lake Scientist [16:15:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (147 visits) info
Scientists from around the world have been working to research conditions in Antarctica for years, but still much remains unknown about the planet’s fifth-largest continent. Just in January, a team[...] The [...]

USA will an ITER festhalten 

Mente et Malleo [12:59:58]  recommend  recommend this post  (130 visits) info
Ende letzten Monats hat das US Department of Energy (DOE) dem Kongress empfohlen, ITER bis 2018 weiter zu unterstützen. Danach sollte dann eine Re-Evaluierung des Projektes erfolgen um im Detail zu prüfen, [...]

Wie ein innovatives Arbeitsumfeld aussehen sollte – nicht nur in der Wissenschaft 

Mente et Malleo [17:05:08]  recommend  recommend this post  (107 visits) info
„Und, was machst du so?“ „Ich arbeite in der Forschung.“ Wenn ich so auf die Frage nach meiner täglichen Beschäftigung antworte, habe ich oft das Gefühl in den Kopf meines Gegenübers hineinblicken [...]

Evaluating Bioretention Cell and Green Roof Hydrologic Performance in northeastern Ohio 

Watershed Hydrogeology Blog [04:42:10]  recommend  recommend this post  (220 visits) info
Graduate student Laura Sugano will also be presenting her green infrastructure research at the CUAHSI Biennial Symposium in July. Evaluating Bioretention Cell and Green Roof Hydrologic Performance in [...]

UK national negotiations with Elsevier: it seems we’re not messing around. 

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week [23:50:09]  recommend  recommend this post  (197 visits) info
A confidential internal email has come into my hands, from Bristol University, regarding the UK’s national negotiations with Elsevier. I think it’s of general interest. (I should say that, although [...]

Hell Creek Day 1  

EXPEDITION LIVE! [02:55:56]  recommend  recommend this post  (192 visits) info
After two weeks of prospecting and finding only a handful of localities in New Mexico, it was a joy to spend a day poking around the bountiful Hell Creek. Of course in New Mexico anything we found was likely [...]

The Tyrannosaur Chronicles competition: the contenders 

Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs [20:26:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (166 visits) info
 Cretaceous; GB,US,BE,IN
Like undergraduate students everywhere, you lot submitted a flurry of entries for our Tyrannosaur Chronicles competition right before the deadline. But no matter! You still got in. While the final six winners [...]

Gatos y dinosaurios 

Koprolitos [08:58:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (163 visits) info

Review of a paper: dam break risk for the Attabad landslide 

The Landslide Blog [09:08:42]  recommend  recommend this post  (156 visits) info
In a recent paper, Chen et al (2016) have examined the risks associated with a dam break flood at the Attabad landslide in Pakistan. They conclude that the likelihood of a breach event remains high, and that [...]

Ida Valeton (1922 – 2016) – eine Geowissenschaftlerin im 20. Jahrhundert 

Mente et Malleo [21:41:24]  recommend  recommend this post  (141 visits) info
Manchmal liegen Freude und Trauer ja sehr dicht beieinander. Es war auf der Rückfahrt von unserem Bloggertreffen im April, als mir in der Bahn eine Todesanzeige auffiel. Sie besagte, dass Frau Prof. Dr. Ida [...]

Gesegnete und friedliche Zeit 

Mente et Malleo [13:05:15]  recommend  recommend this post  (114 visits) info
Gestern hat der diesjährige Fastenmonat Ramadan begonnen. Ich möchte dies zum Anlass nehmen, um den Muslimen eine gesegnete Fastenzeit und uns allen einen friedlichen Monat zu wünschen.  Bei dieser [...] | Impressum