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Monday, 16 January 2017

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¿Nos estamos volviendo más inteligentes? 

Mundo Neandertal [22:13:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (34 visits) info
Hace más de 30 años, los especialistas en inteligencia, se encontraron con un fenómeno inexplicable: los tests de inteligencia o IQ arrojaban puntuaciones cada año más altas. Cada generación parecía ser más inteligente que la anterior. Este fenómeno es conocido como Efecto Flynn, en honor al investigador James Flynn, de la Universidad de Otago, Nueva Zelanda. Flynn realizó el primer [Para seguir leyendo ir a

¿Por qué comemos de más? 

Mundo Neandertal [21:36:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (31 visits) info
Si una persona come sola come lo justo y necesario. Hagamos una fiesta, y ya uno pierde el control. Nuestro cuerpo ha evolucionado para ser una máquina perfecta de almacenamiento de nutrientes, lo que era excelente para nuestros antepasados varios miles de años atrás, pero hoy en día se ha transformado en un problema. El principal problema nutricional que aqueja al mundo: la obesidad. ¿Por qué [Para seguir leyendo ir a

Wasser- der heimliche Treiber des Kohlenstoffkreislaufs? 

Gunnars Geo-Blog [20:43:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (22 visits) info
     Aktuell nimmt die Landoberfläche etwa ein Viertel der anthropogenen Kohlendioxidemissionen aus der Atmosphäre wieder auf. Ob die Aufnahmefähigkeit dieser Kohlenstoffsenke erhalten bleibt und wie [...]

Monday Geology Picture: Intaka Island Salt Pan 

Georneys [20:00:02]  recommend  recommend this post  (42 visits) info
For this week’s picture, here’s a view of a salt pan on Intaka Island, a small nature reserve in the Century City area of Cape Town. I often go to Intaka Island to paddle in a kayak on the canals [...]

Imaggeo on Mondays: the remotest place on Earth? 

GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [17:54:50]  recommend  recommend this post  (75 visits) info
Perhaps a bold claim, but at over 4,000 km away from Australia and 4,200 km from South Africa, Heard Island is unquestionably hard to reach. The faraway and little know place is part of a group of volcanic [...]

Shear zones in Scottish gabbros 

Mountain Beltway [16:21:44]  recommend  recommend this post  (33 visits) info
A quest to visit the "first shear zones" described in the scientific literature leads to an alternate location, and some GIGAmacro images of samples from the real, original

What shall we eat? - Keep Cool! (bilingual) 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [13:06:11]  recommend  recommend this post  (47 visits) info
Nearly everybody going on board of the JOIDES Resolution for the first time may have asked the question: "What shall we eat in this 8 weeks?" to himself or [...]

The NASA data conspiracy theory and the cold sun 

Real Climate [10:01:39]  recommend  recommend this post  (678 visits) info
When climate deniers are desperate because the measurements don’t fit their claims, some of them take the final straw: they try to deny and discredit the data. The years 2014 and 2015 reached new records in [...]

El #dinovember de Dyna Soar 

Koprolitos [09:11:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (121 visits) info
Hace un mes veíamos por aquí la camiseta NWODHM del ilustrador Dyna Soar y seguimos investigando acerca de su trabajo. Y cual fue nuestra sorpresa al descubrir que había participado en el último [...]

The Most Beloved Weather Forecast You’ve Never Heard About 

Dan\'s Wild Wild Science Journal [08:25:36]  recommend  recommend this post  (60 visits) info
If you are reading this from the UK, you know already what I’m writing about, but to those elsewhere, the “Shipping Forecast” is mostly unknown. It’s heard on BBC Radio 4 each day, and It’s far more [...]

Nashville Tennessee Coral Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [05:53:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (60 visits) info
My father found this fossil in Nashville, Tennessee. It appears to be Plasmopora sp. coral fossil. The time period would be Silurian. This website lists formations in [...]

Puzzlement at Fantangisna, and (hopefully) fixing stuff 

JOIDES Resolution blogs [01:34:46]  recommend  recommend this post  (69 visits) info
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Euripterid: Fossil Scorpion From Lang’s Quarry, NY 

Dinosaur Home - Blogs [00:49:26]  recommend  recommend this post  (85 visits) info
One of my mentors and closest friends was a fellow named Dr. Ted Danner. He taught geology and paleontology at the University of British Columbia. I had the very great honour of having dinner with him the [...]


ARCHEA [00:07:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (48 visits) info


ARCHEA [20:23:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (109 visits) info
Here a partial ammonite with lovely oil-spill colored nacre (ammolite) shows several bite marks.One of the natural predators to ammonites were the marine reptiles, particularly elasmosaurs, a genus of [...]

Sort out the rock cycle products - then add the processes 

Earth Learning Idea [18:11:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (106 visits) info
The new ELI today is 'Laying out the rock cycle: product and process'. Pupils are asked to place a series of rock cycle products in the correct places on a diagram of the rock cycle, then to consider how [...]

Notes for the Aftermath 

Oakland Geology [17:02:59]  recommend  recommend this post  (133 visits) info
I think about earthquakes often, almost every day. That’s part of what makes a geologist — not just visualizing the deep past, but living in the deep present. Turning seeing into foreseeing. In this post [...]

¿Por qué tenemos tantos colores de cabello? 

Mundo Neandertal [15:29:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (36 visits) info
¿Por qué el ser humano tiene tantos colores de cabello? Negro, marrón, amarillo, rojo. Parecerá baladí la gran cantidad de colores que se pueden ver en las cabelleras, pero sin embargo se trata de uno de [...]

Hemos descritos dos nuevas formaciones geológicas con dinosaurios en Teruel 

WeBlog Aragosaurus [11:34:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (702 visits) info
En un trabajo liderado por Marcos Aurell publicado hace unos meses describimos dos nuevas formaciones geológicas en la provincia de Teruel. Se trata de las Formaciones Galve y Aguilar de Alfambra dedicadas [...]

planlauf/TERRAIN – a lightweight 3D DEM viewer for daily usage 

Digital Geography [09:48:14]  recommend  recommend this post  (107 visits) info
The visualization and interpolation of 3D terrain (point) data (DEM or DOM) could be a hard task for current GIS software and small to midsize hardware. One thing is the huge possible amount of points and [...]

Future shock – the failure to learn from the 2015 earthquake in Nepal 

The Landslide Blog [08:32:25]  recommend  recommend this post  (609 visits) info
To mark National Earthquake Day, the Nepal Times has a series of articles entitled Future Shock that examines the failure to learn from the 2015

One Simple Sentence Could Help Save America's Schools 

Rosetta Stones [06:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (78 visits) info
If we truly want America to be great, we need to support robust education for all its citizens. -- Read more on


ARCHEA [04:57:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (91 visits) info

Ammonite With Marine Reptile Bite Marks 

Dinosaur Home - Blogs [00:56:32]  recommend  recommend this post  (84 visits) info
One of the natural predators to ammonites were the marine reptiles, particularly elasmosaurs, a genus of plesiosaur that lived in the Late Cretaceous. With their long necks, the could move unseen in the depths [...]

Eocene Fossil Plants Revealed 

Dinosaur Home - Blogs [00:45:07]  recommend  recommend this post  (54 visits) info
  Heavy rains hit Sumas, Washington a few years back causing a massive rock and mud slide high above the town. The slide revealed large plates of Eocene plant fossils and bird trackways. You can see a large [...]


ARCHEA [00:05:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (50 visits) info
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