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Saturday, 01 April 2017

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Renzi: tranvai in piazza Duomo nel 2021 

scienzeedintorni [15:33:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (161 visits) info
Tweet clamoroso di Renzi stamattina: nel 2021 la tranvia di Firenze arriverà in piazza Duomo. Abbiamo cercato di capirne di più e siamo in grado di spiegare il perché di questo annuncio. Questo è il risultato di una serie di approfondimenti della situazione fiorentina: se nel PD grazie alle sue truppe cammellate di democristiana memoria la vittoria è semplice, qualche dubbio che Andrea Orlando gli possa dare noia per le primarie di fine aprile c’è, specialmente se la sinistra [...]

The Lying Stones of Johann Beringer 

Geological Society of London blog [13:00:13]  recommend  recommend this post  (201 visits) info
Opening just in time for April Fools’ Day, the Geological Society Library’s latest exhibition ‘The Lying Stones of Johann Beringer’ tells the story of one of geology’s earliest recorded practical jokes. Continue reading → Independence day 

James’ Empty Blog [10:37:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (203 visits) info
We all know by now that Brexit means brexit. However, it is not so clear whether independence means independence or perhaps something else entirely. This has been an interesting and important question in [...]

Rock and Light, the Primal Elements of Death Valley 

Geotripper [08:25:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (69 visits) info
When one has been under gloomy overcast conditions punctuated by periods of rain for days, the novelty can run short, even in a place where rain is scarce. We had been on the road for three days and in that [...]

Favosites Tabulate Coral Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [04:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (737 visits) info
This image is of a Favosites (Emmonsia) emmonsi colonial coral fossil. It was found in the Jeffersonville Limestone of Clark County Indiana USA. The fossil dates to the Devonian Period. This fossil was on [...]

Exceptionally preserved fossils from Wurzburg, Germany, suggest new theory of fossil formation 

Geological Society of London blog [01:01:44]  recommend  recommend this post  (138 visits) info
A treasure trove of exceptionally preserved fossils has been discovered in Würzburg, Germany. The finds, which include perfectly preserved specimens of birds, insects and plants, have already been dubbed the [...]

Aviulong galtoni e la contrazione di Ornithoscelida 

Theropoda [09:32:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (128 visits) info
La topologia di Dinosauria alla luce della combinazione di caratteri in Aviulong (da Xi et al. 2017) Quando, nel 2009, fu pubblicato Tianyulong, molti inizialmente furono restii ad ammettere la presenza [...]

How Do I Keep Soils in My Raised Bed Healthy? 

SOILS MATTER, GET THE SCOOP! [08:10:16]  recommend  recommend this post  (115 visits) info
As thoughts of spring enter our minds, many people are starting to design and develop their perfect spring and summer gardens. If you are new to gardening, you should know […]

Oklahoma out of the woods 

Ontario-geofish [02:49:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (138 visits) info
Reference Whew!  I'm totally wrong!  I wondering when the USGS would come out with something, under the threat of a massive trumpy attack.  All clear in Oklahoma!  The seismic rate isn't going [...]

Minor earthquake activity in Hofsjökull volcano 

Iceland Volcano and Earthquake blog [00:29:41]  recommend  recommend this post  (90 visits) info
On the 30th of March-2017 there was some minor earthquake activity in Hofsjökull volcano. This was a minor earthquake activity, with the largest earthquake having the magnitude of 1,3 at depth of 4,5 km. The [...] | Impressum