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Friday, 14 July 2017

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Ol Doinyo Lengai: Inflation 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [18:19:28]  recommend  recommend this post  (605 visits) info
Der Ol Doinyo Lengai steht heute seit langer Zeit mal wieder in den Schlagzeilen. Laut einem Bericht von NatGeo, hat letztes Jahr ein Forscherteam um Dr. Sarah Stamps ein Beobachtungsnetzwerk am Vulkan in Tansania installiert. Nun wird seit Anfang dieses Jahres eine Zunahme der Inflation beobachtet. Außerdem gibt es weitere Hinweise, dass sich am Vulkan ... weiterlesen

Understanding the La Palma mega-landslide hypothesis: part 2 

The Landslide Blog [09:29:40]  recommend  recommend this post  (242 visits) info
Understanding the La Palma mega-landslide hypothesis part 2: the size of the landslide and the scale of the potential

Friday fold: chevrons in the Scaglia Rossa, Apennines 

Mountain Beltway [13:15:35]  recommend  recommend this post  (211 visits) info
The Friday fold visits the Apennine Range of central

Piton Fournaise: Neue Eruption 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [09:17:25]  recommend  recommend this post  (191 visits) info
Der Piton de la Fournaise auf der Insel La Réunion ist heute Nacht um 0.50 Uhr (Ortszeit) ausgebrochen. Am Fuße des Dolomieu öffnete sich eine Eruptionsspalte aus der kleine Lavafontänen aufsteigen. Diese [...]

Osteohistological analysis of Vegavis iaai 

Letters from Gondwana [11:05:04]  recommend  recommend this post  (155 visits) info
The earliest diversification of extant birds (Neornithes) occurred during the Cretaceous period. Today, with more than 10500 living species, birds are the most species-rich class of [...]

Eocene Plant Site Fossil Field Trip 

Dinosaur Home - Blogs [06:50:13]  recommend  recommend this post  (144 visits) info
A while back, some storms hit Washington State and caused a number of large mud slides. One area, near Sumas, has recently been logged and the removal of the forest and steep angle of the slopes created the [...]

Oklahoma earthquakes back at full blast 

Ontario-geofish [19:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (140 visits) info
A series of earthquakes that may have given out the seismic energy of an m6.  Who knows what's worse, a big thump or a whole bunch of them?  Lucky for everybody, these earthquakes were very deep and with a [...]


ARCHEA [05:42:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (117 visits) info

GeoSiences Column: Is smoke on your mind? Using social media to assess smoke exposure from wildfires 

GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [18:19:25]  recommend  recommend this post  (192 visits) info
Wildfires have been raging across the globe this summer. Six U.S. States, including California and Nevada, are currently battling fierce flames spurred on by high temperatures and dry conditions. Up to 10,000 [...]

Another solar flare and coronal mass ejection, possible G2 event 

Geology in Motion [21:48:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (162 visits) info
Regions affected by blackouts from the July 14 solar flare Update on July 15: Spaceweather.comsays that this will be a G2-class storm with possible intensification to a G3-class. G2=high-latitude power [...]

Diatryma Trackway 

Dinosaur Home - Blogs [07:44:07]  recommend  recommend this post  (144 visits) info
Diatryma, a giant flightless bird trackway from an Eocene deposit in Washington State. We took impressions of the tracks and found smaller mammal prints scattered amongst those of the Diatryma. No way to tell [...]

Faculty Profile: Lisa Dale 

State of the Planet [21:28:27]  recommend  recommend this post  (144 visits) info
Lisa Dale joins The Earth Institute this year as lecturer for the Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development. Lisa has a background in environmental policy and has worked with the United Nations on [...]

Earthquake swarm in Katla volcano yesterday (13-July-2017) 

Iceland Volcano and Earthquake blog [23:31:16]  recommend  recommend this post  (136 visits) info
Yesterday (13-July-2017) an earthquake swarm took place in Katla volcano. As earthquake swarms goes this one was minor one and largest magnitude was only 2,7 all other earthquakes where smaller in magnitude. [...]

Outreach, Day Camps, and More! 

Daily Fossil [20:01:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (116 visits) info
Everyone at the CFDC has been running full tilt in order to keep up with all the busy days we have been having this summer. From tours to field days to our outreach programs it seems there is never a dull [...] | Impressum