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Saturday, 07 October 2017

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Gunung Agung: Seismik weiter gestiegen 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [10:09:06]  recommend  recommend this post  (44 visits) info
10.10.2017 Gestern ereigneten sich am Vulkan auf Bali 809 Erdbeben. Während die Anzahl flacher Erdbeben mit 317 Events hoch ist, nahm die Anzahl vulkanotektonischer Erdbeben in größeren Tiefen deutlich ab und lag nur bei 8. An den Wegen zum Gipfel wurden nun Wachposten aufgestellt. Grund hierfür lieferte ein Franzose, der vor wenigen Tagen zum Krater ... Read more

Ongoing earthquake swarm in Tjörnes fracture zone (TFZ) 

Iceland Volcano and Earthquake blog [01:36:18]  recommend  recommend this post  (25 visits) info
Currently there is an ongoing earthquake swarm in Tjörnes Fracture Zone. This earthquake swarm has been going on since 05-October-2017. Over 120 earthquakes have happened so far. Largest earthquakes have had the magnitude of 3,9 (05-October), 3,5 (06-October), 3,0 (06-October). … Continue reading →

Trump’s BLM Cannot Delay Implementation of Oil and Gas Methane Rules after Effective Date 

Mineral Law Blog [00:58:28]  recommend  recommend this post  (191 visits) info
On October 4, 2017, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California held that the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) cannot postpone implementation of natural gas methane emission [...]

Earthquake activity in Bárðarbunga volcano 

Iceland Volcano and Earthquake blog [00:40:51]  recommend  recommend this post  (54 visits) info
On 05-October and 06-October-2017 there was an strong earthquake activity in Bárðarbunga volcano. The first earthquake had the magnitude of 3,7 on 5-October and the second earthquake had the magnitude of 3,4 [...] | Impressum