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Wednesday, 13 June 2018

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5 Mysteries Of Pluto That May Change The Way You Think About The Dwarf Planet 

BEYONDbones [23:37:29]  recommend  recommend this post  (108 visits) info
By Ralph Phillips, Docent at HMNS Sugar Land, introduction by Chris Wells A few years ago everyone’s heart went out to our littlest neighbor when Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet. This sentimental feeling was interesting because it revealed a burgeoning sense of extraterrestrial community among us earthlings. Instead of only identifying ourselves as

South Pole Alarm with Global Warming 

Ontario-geofish [23:15:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (93 visits) info
Reference We are obviously doomed.  Old Dougie better not cancel the cap and trade thingie.  Besides the fact that we are now going into a northern ice age, there is the fact that the South Pole was totally removed from this last warming cycle. But we all like a scare story, and this is it for today. ps. drat, I thought I had a consensus with the rabid Guardian readers that we were

11. Juli, 2018, 18:00 Uhr: Thema noch nicht bekannt 

Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden [20:50:43]  recommend  recommend this post  (220 visits) info
Thema wird rechtzeitig an dieser Stelle bekannt

Zur Oberkreide im Meißner Gebiet 

Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden [20:42:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (139 visits) info
 Meißener Schichten oder Meißen-Formation bezeichnen eine Einheit des oberen Untercenomans der Elbtalkreide. Die Typuslokalität befindet sich an der oberen Kante eines auflässigen Steinbruches in [...]

11. April, 2018, 18:00 Uhr: Stardust 

Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden [20:31:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (119 visits) info

14. März, 2018, 17:30 Uhr: Geologie und Fossilien von Öland 

Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden [20:02:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (95 visits) info
Vortrag über die Geologie und Funde von der zweitgrößten schwedischen Insel in der

Hablando de dinosaurios en el IESO Mar de Castilla de Sacedón 

Dinosaurios (el cuaderno de Godzillín) [19:04:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (130 visits) info
Uno de los objetivos de la investigación científica es hacer llegar la información al público general... y como el movimiento se demuestra andando, la semana pasada Adán Pérez-García y Francisco Ortega [...]

Exkursion in eine Kiesgrube am alten Elblauf bei Hermsdorf, Sachsen 

Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden [18:59:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (108 visits) info
Die Kiesgrube liegt im Bereich der so genannten tertiären bis frühpleistozänen Elbläufe nördlich von Dresden. Der alte Elblauf tangiert ca. 20km südlich bei Ottendorf-Okrilla den Senftenberger Elblauf. [...]

frühere Exkursionen 

Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden [18:18:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (114 visits) info

Boxelder & Dock at Sunset 

In the Company of Plants and Rocks [16:52:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (229 visits) info
Boxelder (Acer negundo) in nook formed by warehouse walls. The weekend came and went. Weekends are when I usually visit the boxelder I’m following—when no one is working at the warehouse where it [...]

How Will People Move as Climate Changes? 

State of the Planet [16:05:22]  recommend  recommend this post  (83 visits) info
A new model estimates how many climate migrants there will be, where they are likely to go, and what effects they might have on the places to which they

Dinosaur Art Show 

Koprolitos [08:19:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (80 visits) info
La True Measure Gallery de Portland (Oregon, Estados Unidos) es una galería destinada a promover la obra de artistas alternativos y contemporáneos tanto locales como internacionales. Situada en el estudio [...]

New Off powerpad lamps 

Ontario-geofish [00:32:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (87 visits) info
You can't find them anywhere, but these things are 10 times better than the old ones.  Lasting 6 hours, and extremely effective.  No smoke.  I'm sure they violate some law.  I am enjoying them now on the [...]

11. Juli, 2018, 18:00 Uhr: Edelsteine (Deutschland) 

Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden [20:50:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (72 visits) info
Über Edelsteine von deutschen

13. Mai, 2018, 09:45 Uhr: Geologische Wanderung von Tharandt nach Klingenberg 

Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden [20:36:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (224 visits) info
Die Fachgruppe wandert von Edle Krone (Tharandt) nach Klingenberg und besucht das Schaubergwerk Aurora

15. Juli, 2018, 09:00 Uhr: Mineralien sammeln in Freiberg und Umgebung 

Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden [20:08:22]  recommend  recommend this post  (104 visits) info
Die Fachgruppe trifft sich in der Freiberger Umgebung für eine mineralogische

14. Februar, 2018, 17:30 Uhr: Silber 

Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden [19:39:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (113 visits) info
Der Fachgruppenabend findet im nicht-öffentlich zugänglichen Institutsgebäude des Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie Dresden statt. Referent ist Klaus Thalheim und spricht über

Shrinking Ice Sheet Made A Surprising Comeback 

State of the Planet [19:00:38]  recommend  recommend this post  (84 visits) info
Thousands of years ago, the West Antarctic ice sheet shrank dramatically—then grew back in an unexpected

15. Mai, 2011, 00:00 Uhr: Grabung im Weltnaturerbe Messel mit dem Museum Darmstadt 

Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden [18:22:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (111 visits) info
Exkursion in das UNESCO Welterbe Grube Messel. Mitglieder der Fachgruppe haben unter der Federführung des Hessischen Landesmuseums Darmstadt und der Arbeitsgruppe Palaeo-Geo e.V. einen Grabungstag

Reindeer traffic jam 

polar soils blog [16:53:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (87 visits) info
Students have been busily working today on their independent research projects. They are working in teams of 2: one art major and one science major. The teams are designing their own research project about [...]

The great Cambrian unconformity 

earth-pages - Research News from the Earth Sciences [16:20:37]  recommend  recommend this post  (229 visits) info
My first field trip from the Geology Department at the University of Birmingham in autumn 1964 was located within hooter distance of the giant British Leyland car plant at Longbridge. It involved a [...]

Last day for this Wooster Geologist in Wales … for now 

Wooster Geologists [12:13:29]  recommend  recommend this post  (77 visits) info
Aberystwyth, Wales — My last full day in Wales with my hosts Tim and Caroline Palmer was again different from every other day in this country. I have had a stimulating diversity of experiences on this short [...]

Geosciences Column: Landslide risk in a changing climate, and what that means for Europe’s roads 

GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [07:31:33]  recommend  recommend this post  (84 visits) info
If your morning commute is already frustrating, get ready to buckle up. Our climate is changing, and that may increasingly affect some of central Europe’s major roads and railways, according to new research [...] | Impressum